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Everything posted by anxious_aspirant

  1. For a particular reason? (i.e. similar to the posted article, or something else?)
  2. This housing search process is turning into, like, the biggest pain in the ass. Not only do I have haul myself over from an hour away to look at places and meet prospective roommates, but I'll end up having to do so several times, it looks like...and I'm REALLY trying to avoid those apartment complexes. They sound pretty hellish. If anyone finds any tricks / good advice / other ways to find housing in Amherst, do share!!
  3. For what it's worth, I did have a professor warn against taking the test over again. On a perhaps brighter / more encouraging note, I certainly left the test center feeling like I'd bombed the Lit GRE, and I ended up in the 89th percentile. Then again - I went 1/5 for PhD acceptances. Take what you will from that!
  4. This is the sentence that gets me, in addition to overall tone (which is totally as marbles describes it): "In this rat race, the ivory tower morphs from a reassuring backup plan into a source of social and existential terror via its mysterious admissions policies." As if a) the "ivory tower" isn't a pejorative term in the first place, dismissing us "scholars" as detached from the real world, and there is any way programs such as ours, accepting 10% of applicants or less, aren't going to be a "rat race." I mean, really. Who spends the time and money to apply to such a program "for fun"? Our author is clearly bitter that her reasons for grad studies don't match up with reality. Also kind of an insult to our intelligence that we don't fully recognize that our speculations stem from anxiety and/or are totally inaccurate. Anyway, every school has its own quirky process. I came to this forum knowing blanket statements about admissions wouldn't be too reliable; but then again, isn't it somewhat nice to lament with people in the same situations? Make some connections before starting in the fall? (Also, we sometimes talk about things other than admissions.) By the way, it's apparently impossible to type a b with a parenthesis after it without ending up with sunglassface there.
  5. I never officially added this here, but I'll me at UMass Amherst! (As proclaimed in a bunch of other threads.) (To whomever kindly added me to the Google doc - thanks!)
  6. I LOVE HER. I wish I lived in New York. I made my (high school) students read excerpts from "Three Women's Texts..." and I almost had a revolt on my hands. (Edited because I apparently can't spell "her." So embarrassing that I have to admit it.)
  7. I agree, Galoup. At least in my experience, prolepsis is more of a sustained, flash-forward scene, not just a passing reference of something that will be explained later. (Best example I can think of is The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie - the flash-forward scenes of Sandy as a nun later in life.) Or I have totally misunderstood this lit term (a distinct possibility).
  8. Anyone else want to go for *ahem* fun? I'd go for the "swag" alone. Sounds like a nerd's dream (Isidore, we should confer as the date gets closer, since we'd be going from the same area.) Anyone else know what kind of perks MLA membership gets us as students? Out of curiosity - I've been out of the English/academia game for a few. (Glad to be back, of course.)
  9. Hey, Isidore - I'll be doing the TA training as well. Noho is a GREAT town, but a bit of a commute (I'll be trying to cut down on driving expenses), and the bus ride between the two towns is even longer...Some of those College Writing classes are at 8am (with an hour commute, eek!). I've been using the umoch site to look around Amherst. I'm terribly directionally challenged and figure that being close by won't be a bad thing, at least for year one. I had some professors and classmates in college who lived in Amherst, and they always had good things to say about being there. Yayy! Our classes might not overlap so much if you're a medievalist, but we'll probably run into each other in Bartlett pretty often.
  10. Is the brief period of "Oh my god, I'm leaving my decently-paying, real-person job to potentially never have another of the sort again" a normal step in this process? (Speaking as one who's only had about 24 hours to process her acceptance, during which I've been ill to boot. Blah!) All of which then fights with, "I WILL follow my dreams [arms outstretched]!" It's also amazing how quickly my every thought went from, "If I only get in, everything will be perfect" to "Ughhh...I have a lot of books and clothes to move..." Conflicts I am willing to have, though
  11. Anyone here definitely attending UMass this fall, and if so, do you want to be my friend? Also wondering what resources people have used with any degree of success to find decent apartments near campus. I previously attended grad school at my underground institution, so I never really had to make the big move. Is the department usually willing to put you in touch with other admitted students who are in the same boat, possible roomies, etc? So glad to return to this thread in better spirits!!
  12. I'm so sorry, Trip! We've all been rooting for you...though CUNY will be awesome, I'm sure!
  13. I'M IN AT UMASS!!!!!!! Meaning I just got a Writing Program offer via e-mail saying that "I should be hearing good news" from the DGS soon. Since it's not direct from Dr. Clingman, I am harboring this horrible fear that it's not true. BUT IT IS. I THINK. This can only be the start of a positive trend for the next 48 hours...I hope! Keep 'em coming, GC!
  14. Living in this thread is simultaneously hope-inspiring and gut-wrenching. Really excited for all of you Thunderpaws, your name fits your noble accomplishments. My phone has yet to ring Knowing UMass had already heard back from most of their acceptees earlier this week makes it a tad unlikely...Does anyone know if it's normal for schools to notify on weekends? At least it's school vacation, so I can drink my sorrows away Monday night without having to wake up for work. I have to be careful, though. Don't want to start too early and then get that call...
  15. OH MY GOD, I left my phone at home today. This is so totally unacceptable. SHAME ON ME. (P.S. I remember actually thinking Stansbury = Stanford when I was a kid.)
  16. I have to say I'm loving my waitlist school for keeping me updated. BUT now I know that they're waiting to hear from 7 people. It's a big enough number to hope...small enough to be seriously worried...If I'm 6 or 7 on the waitlist, things are probably a no-go...If I'm higher....dear god, these thoughts are so debilitating. At least they're serving sundaes at lunch today.
  17. Anyone still waiting on UMass and/or hear from them today?
  18. Example: The UMass dept. site says they usually have openings for 15 incoming students. According to this forum, they've accepted 18 total. Does that most likely mean they overshot by 3? Or that the department site has outdated information? And of course, there's no way to really know any of this. But, equally-of-course, we are going to stress out about it. Yay, crazies!
  19. Swagato sums up everything I have to say about this.
  20. Doesn't it seem like it makes more sense for schools to admit their intended number, and have a waiting list equally as long? Then maybe a secondary wait-list just-in-case? Or maybe I'm just sad because this makes me wary of my own status... *"...if I ran a university..."*
  21. 50 students on a wait-list! Egads. Is that the norm? Because I'll be a bit less optimistic about our chances in that case... Condolences, Datatape.
  22. If I were to say things as they really are, out loud: "Sorry, kids. I know you don't really understand existentialism yet, but I haven't checked my Gmail in over five minutes. Your questions will just have to wait. Amuse yourselves by continuing to yell at each other as you debate whether or not god exists; I'll be in this corner on my computer. Try not to start any holy wars while I'm out of commission."
  23. Anyone who would like to plan/teach/grade for me for the next however-long should feel free to fill his/her time that way! Just kidding...I think. But for serious, this level of crazy is not so conducive to educating teenagers. September Ms. a_a would look at April Ms. a_a in horror and shame. And my April self looks back nostalgically, yearning for a simpler time, uncomplicated by life-altering decisions.
  24. Take this with a grain of salt, because it's only my guess - but considering that any school only accepts 5-20 students any given year, there will only be some measly, single-digit number of acceptees in any given field. Also, as Thunderpaws notes, I think it would be tough to glean from the information available, anyway. I would assume that if a school is particularly known for a given area, they might accept more with that concentration - which might be easier to figure out. If any acceptees or current students have special insights into their departments about these kinds of mysteries, maybe we can start a thread to compile that kind of info? Would be REALLY nice to have some one-stop-shopping for those big, elusive questions.
  25. The easter bunny just gained some serious street cred
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