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Everything posted by hanbran

  1. Actually, I myself just finished book 6 (probably my favorite).
  2. Anyone have UC-SB info? I had a fantastic interview with a very promising ending, but I'm still info-less.
  3. I am. I know that they DO waitlist, but God knows how many.
  4. Good luck, ciistai!! Just remember: no one knows everything. Think of your strengths, not your self-perceived weaknesses.
  5. Does anyone have any info on the posted UNC rejections or wait-list? I haven't heard anything, but I'm still hoping to at least be wait-listed.
  6. Only six more weeks to go.
  7. I'm always surprised by people who are shocked and outraged by a rejection. Common sense dictates that each department can only admit and fund a small percentage of applicants each year. Sure, it's quite sad and often depressing, but it really shouldn't cause offense or anger. Thanks for staying classy, Classicists.
  8. Last week of February. How slowly it crept by....
  9. Based on the "Results Board," it seems like a rough season. I think that a lot of departments are scaling back this year.
  10. It's an awful process : / !
  11. I'm more worried about missing an opportunity to speak with a professor than with a graduate student. I get the impression that visiting students will meet most of the current graduate students, or at least a sizeable portion.
  12. Many people outside of the field seriously overestimate the feasibility of becoming a tenured professor of history.
  13. I'm doing more or less the same things as you guys. Rereading my application, and several works by the faculty, preparing to answer questions about my interests and how they might be fostered by the program. Since I'll be there for a couple of days, I'm trying to decide whether or not I should send any emails. I don't wanna create an unnecessary burden, but, just in case there are some people whom I might not get to meet while visiting, I am considering it. Thoughts?
  14. Are you doing anything to "prepare" for your recruitment visit, ciistai?
  15. http://blogs.dickinson.edu/latin-poetry-podcast/2012/09/25/wish-to-be-what-you-are-martial-epigrams-10-47/
  16. Wow, no news for me all week. Disappointing, considering that I heard from two schools last week.
  17. Have you asked if you could "test out" of the course somehow? Or maybe take a summer course somewhere?
  18. I'm not sure if that's a tremendous compliment or insult. Have you spoken to Stanford about your visit? I can't imagine that anyone could be more helpful than their DGS.
  19. It's still early. I think that only a few programs have finished with acceptances. A lot of programs also wait until their offices of admission finish processing aid packages and whatnot before notifying applicants.
  20. There's one acceptance from UT-Austin on the results page from a few days ago.
  21. Ouch. Well, in the modern world, one will always find oneself in debt for some reason...
  22. (Can't tell if season is over or has yet to really begin.)
  23. It's a fascinating concept. Part interview, part visit, part personality test. I look at it as an opportunity to interact with like-minded scholars, whom I have not yet met. If I happen to get an offer of admission out of it, even better.
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