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ArthurEvans's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. States do have varying requirements but the variation usually comes from the exams, not the content area (30 credits) or the pedagogy requirement (education courses and student teaching). I have a friend who did her MAT in one state but has easily gotten certified in 3 additional states. She only had to pay for new certification and take the state exams and any other requirements (for example, a state may require a health and hygeine exam). If you at all want to teach public school, I would go for the MAT. Just make sure you end up with 30 Classics credits (between your BA and your MA) and you take a world language or Latin teaching methodology course. If you don't go the MAT route, and you do want to teach public school, where the money is usually better, you will have to hope the state has an alternate route program or you will have to go back to school to make up the required pedagogy coursework.
  2. When there are maybe 10 TT jobs available a year (a few of which will certainly go to established people in the field) and well over 100 people applying for them, things will certainly not "eventually work out." Greenmonk will probably ignore what I am saying anyway; I would have if someone had said the same to me when I once imagined I could have a career in Classsical Archaeology. But at least someone will have said it.
  3. Greenmonk, I was like you about 6 years ago and I'm going to to tell you what I wish someone had told me: the likelihood that you will be able to have a career in Classical Archaeology is slim to none. There are just not enough jobs out there and the constant VAP/Adjunct life (with 3/3 or 4/4 teaching loads, low pay, and low to no benefits) is not one that will make you smile. Are you prepared to spend 7 years of your life (2 for an MA and 5 for a PhD, and that's being generous, 8 or 9 is more likely) earning that PhD only to emerge on the other end without that job that makes you smile? I know it's hard to hear these things but know what you're getting into and know what awaits you on the other end.
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