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Everything posted by Smokydog

  1. @elsalvadorcom Hola! Yo también soy salvadoreño y estoy haciendo el doctorado en Oxford, jeje. Así que somos 3 ;)
  2. RT @GVineSpain: ¿Quieres asistir a un desfile de @MBFWMadrid?RETWITTEA ESTE TWEET y participa en el sorteo de 2 entradas doble para @xavi__…
  3. Smokydog

    Ertegun 2015?

    Hello! I have been a lurker here for a long time. I got an offer for the Dphil in History at Oxford. I contacted the Ertegun Programme asking about decisions some days ago and I got this email today: So well. It seems that the Ertegun admits will be hearing soon, if they haven't been contacted by now. Best of luck!
  4. Hi! I am on the same boat. My impression is that our forms are presently being assessed and that's why that part is presently blank. I gotta admit that CAMSIS feels pretty bland at first sight but it is actually a roller coaster of emotions!
  5. @jcccaly, habrá que sacar a la luz esa historia que comentábamos de la #RAE, jeje. Ya hablaremos de ello en mi visita México lindo. :D
  6. Hi. I did get in! I am super excited about it. But I must say I haven't posted it on the results board.Sorry! I can tell you they have taken 5, though. If you wish, we could pm and discuss more about it. Btw, any news from Columbia?
  7. Hi, Neelyj3! I have heard about Brown, but I am still waiting to hear from Columbia.
  8. For Comparative Literature. Sorry!
  9. So, this may be a little offtopic. But does anyone know when is Stanford sending rejections? I mean. I know they invited shortlisted applicants to their campus at the beginning of February, but they still haven't sent any kind of refusal.... Just wondering if there is any kind of waitlist.
  10. Takeruk, I am really, really thankful for your post. It is really well thought and thorough advice. I believe this is the best way to go, having in mind my options. I very much appreciate your help! Yours too, Romulus Augustus. Best,
  11. Hi RomulusAugustus, Actually, I am originally from Latin America, though I am presently living in Spain. I applied to many places in the US and the UK because I was alright with both paths. If I must be sincere, I wasn't aware that the decision times in the USA and the UK were so different. As a matter of fact, Cambridge is giving me until July 31st in order to receive an answer to their offer. They do this having in mind I am waiting for funding to come in, since I have got to go through their financial clearance and its better to do it with a scholarship in hand (they make sure you already have the money for the three years). Having in mind what you say, I will definitively try to get an answer from Cambridge at least. I don't think it would be fair otherwise. Thank you for your insights!
  12. Yep, you are right. Well, I will try to rush things up in England and see where that leads me.
  13. Thank you for your advice, Iphi. I was afraid it could come to this. I wish there was a friendlier way to do this, though. I suppose that being outright sincere with my chosen uni in the US won't help at all, right?
  14. Hi! Perhaps someone can help me with this issue I see coming up. I have been lucky enough to get some offers from very good Ph.D. programmes in the US (like Chicago and Brown). They all come with funding! The thing is that I have also applied to Oxford and Cambridge. I have already been admitted to Cambridge and I am still waiting to hear from Oxford. However, these two latter universities let you know about funding way after the April the 15th deadline, which is a bummer. I cannot do a Ph.D. without funding. So, what happens if I choose to accept an offer from a programme in the US and then I end up hearing back from Cambridge or Oxford? I would like to have the opportunity to choose freely, but I don't know if I would already be bound by my decision to attend my chosen university in the US. I would very much appreciate any advice on how to proceed if it comes to this situation. Does someone has some experience with this? Thank you in advance!
  15. Just thought I could add my two cents here. Most European MA programmes have late deadlines. Also, when compared to US MAs, postgraduate programmes in Europe are substantially more affordable. In addition, the study abroad experience certainly brings an appealing touch to CVs. Just in case this helps!
  16. Graditude, te estoy muy agradecido por los consejos. La verdad es que son muy buenas ideas y tendré todo lo que me has dicho en cuenta a la hora de la entrevista. No creo que sea cierto lo que dices sobre que no es tu liga, jeje. Estoy seguro que al final hay muchos factores de por medio. En mi caso, soy de un país bastante poco conocido (El Salvador), aunque he vivido muchos años en España. Puede que eso haya contribuido a la hora de buscar graduate diversity. En cualquier caso, si te parece te mantendré al tanto de cómo acaba todo. ¡Mucha suerte con tus solicitudes! Un saludo muy cordial.
  17. Hello guys! Up until now I have been a silent presence in the forum. I have also been waiting for decisions. Today I received an email from Brown's programme in Spanish. The DGS invited me for an interview! I am very nervous and would appreciate any kind of advice on the subject. Could someone perhaps share some wisdom on the matter? This is the first time I have an interview with a professor from a US university. Cheers,
  18. Nice to see more people here! Regarding the recommendation letters question, I think that the most important thing is to find someone that can comment about you in a very positive light. I also think it doesn't hurt to ask professors with which one feels at ease asking a lot of letters. I mean, I am applying to several places... Which leads me to another question. What do you guys make of Interfolio? I think I will be using it after asking all my universities if they are alright with that.
  19. Hi, Rose Egypt! Yes, I have already taken the GRE. Got good verbal scores but I think I can improve my writing scores and definitely need to do something about the quantitative part, hehe. Sigh, I haven't done any real math since high school... I am taking the test again this coming November, for sure. Let's hope it goes better. So, I see that we are all from outside the US, for the moment.
  20. Hey there! I am also applying to some Comp. Lit programs this year. I live in Spain just as you do, peterangelo! My languages are also Spanish, English and French. I will be focusing on the Early Modern Period, though. I will be applying to Stanford, UCLA, Chicago, Columbia and CUNY. Glad to meet you two!
  21. So, any opinions about Interfolio? I have heard it can be quite helpful. But there are also some rumours that some Graduate Departments do not like it. Any thoughts on this? Can the use of Interfolio make your application less appealing to a Graduate committee?
  22. This is such a good idea! Perhaps someone can inform us about Berkeley's and Stanford's usual stipends for Comp. Lit students. Until now, I have managed to get this information from other universities (E.g. Chicago, UCLA, Cornell, CUNY...), but these two tend to be extremely secretive on this matter.
  23. Hi! Thank you for the posts! I will make sure to take a look at their department's Faculty. Best,
  24. Hmm. It seems that this post has not been very lucky. Oh well...
  25. Hi! I am planning on starting the Ph.D. next year. Does anyone know about good Comparative Literature Departments that concentrate on Early Modern/Renaissance studies? I am very interested in finding professors with an interest on English and Spanish cultures during that period. I already know about professor Roland Greene at Stanford but was looking for more possible supervisors. Thanks for the help! Best,
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