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Everything posted by Smokydog

  1. Hey! My name is Ernesto and I think I might be going to USC Columbia as well. I still have to sort out some financial details (US Government tends to tax the international students' stipend with a 14% rate), but I hope to be able to solve it. I would like to work with Aristotle's Poetics and its possibile application to literature and film. Good to meet you!
  2. I see. Thank you very much for all the information, ECG Scholar!
  3. Well, for starters I would like to know more how a Humanities Faculty works in the US. In this Forum everyone seems to perfectly know the profiles for each Comparative Literature department, something which has been very hard for me to discover in some cases (when the Faculty profile in the website is not that thorough explaining the professors's interests). I would like to know more about what to expect when I reach South Carolina and what would they expect of me when I have to give classes (as it seems I will have to). Also, I would appreciate if you could tell me what will mean to have the ACLA there. Thanks!
  4. Well, I would like to know more about South Carolina. I am from El Salvador and I am currently in Spain. As it seems, South Carolina will be my next stop and would like some advice.
  5. Hey! Does anyone know anything about the Comp. Lit program at South Carolina. It is supposed to be in the top tenth in the producitvity index (http://chronicle.com/stats/productivity/page.php?bycat=true&primary=10&secondary=81&year=2007) but who knows...
  6. I see... Sigh... I suppose that's life. But wait a minute! Your are from the English Ph.D., right? Perhaps there is still some hope.
  7. Hello! I have also applied to CUNY and NYU, but I have not received any kind of answer from NYU. How did you manage to know that they accepted you?
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