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Everything posted by shaxmaty1848

  1. For the Redditors [Admissions FIXED] Plz luv mii gtech!!1! Let mii n bcuz im a gurl n yall need moar femails @ ur campus!!! My rationales are getting more and more desperate. Ha.
  2. Yeah one of my professors in undergrad did her postdoc at MIT. Unfortunately I dont have the credentials for those kinds of schools, but maybe once I prove myself in graduate school. Has anyone on this site been accepted to G Tech's HistSci program that you guys recall?
  3. Im trying to detox from compulsively checking for as long as possible. My goal is 2 weeks, but who knows.
  4. VICTOR PELEVIN IS MY FAVORITE AUTHOR. evarrrrr!!!!!! <3 So many smart and cool people on this site! A taste of my grad school colleagues... Feeling optimistic about this...
  5. Yep, we'll see. Im off to a good start not checking my email from my blackberry while brushing my teeth this morning. And now Im on a real coomputer and I still havent done it! Woo!
  6. Neighbors by Jan Tomasz Gross Holocaust micro-study
  7. Ticklemepink and everyone else are all correct about going somewhere. It's actually my back up too, to go to (specific school) in Europe and develop my cultural skills and language skills on a more sophisticated level. It's 1) exciting. 2) buys you time. 3) is unique 4) way better than moving in with roomies or parents (yuck) 5) ...do I really have to go on? Even if you go for 6 months (summer, fall) you could be back in time next year to start up applying again.
  8. Okay Everybody, I recently discovered this forum and I love it. I love everyone sharing experiences, support and advice. Reading about others who have become really stressed out over the wait really showed me how bad I've been too. For me, spring break is coming up and gaddamnit I want to enjoy my last spring break before I graduate! So, I'm not going to check any of my statuses or check the mail (my room mate will let me know if anything came for me). I wont do it until two weeks from now, March 10th, when Spring Break is over and I've destressed and caught up in school work instead of being obsessed about the next chapter of life. Anyone with me? I'll keep you all updated about how I'm doing (lol I sound like an addict). It just makes me scared seeing everyone lose their minds over things we cant control...just gotta let go. At least I do. No status checking No obsessive mail checking (no more than once a day) No obsessive email checking (Maybe morning, lunch, evening)
  9. I totally know this feeling... Try to take the long view by looking back over the past 5 years or so and seeing how much has changed and how you feel about it before letting the anxiety take over... I've ran my mind through dozens of options trying to pursue them all at the same time, and now it's all at the decision of someone else-- that part really freaks me out. A lot of the things I'm feeling and thoughts I'm having really remind me of high school. Being uprooted, new place, new routine. You're going to make it through. Try making a kick ass play list with feel good songs about getting through the hard times... take a brisk walk and clear your head... There is a thread on here about how people will "treat" themselves to rewards when they get in somewhere. DO NOT do this. This is a horrible idea. If you need a release, take it now instead of trying to "earn" it.
  10. Ugh I hope so. Rolling admissions is pretty stressful. Yeah Putin cuddling a puppy has basically been the metaphor of my college experience, all the way through applying to graduate schools. Basically, this big cold scary dude demonstrating some blend of pity and amusement at the puppy's (me) helplessness... Excuse the drama...History major here. Yeah Ive seen all his stunts. Never disappoints!
  11. Oh no! That's the decision that's killing me too...I just can't stand waiting. Hopefully it won't be much longer...Cmon Tech!!!! Make our decisions!
  12. Mine has only said that for about two weeks, so I am still optimistic.. What about you?
  13. Only at the very beginning of February...
  14. How many of you all have applied to programs with rolling admissions? How long did it take for you to hear back? How many are still waiting? And for what schools? The only school I applied to was Georgia Tech and I still have not heard back from their History Dept...
  15. Ben, I recognize that G Tech status from anywhere...mine says the same thing.... ((((( (different dept though)
  16. Hey everyone, Just wondering if anyone is into the history of science and technology or knows anyone who is and has applied for graduate programs? One of the programs I applied to was Georgia Tech for Hist of Sci MS.
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