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Everything posted by SocingHxC

  1. Lovin' it, groovy!!!
  2. I'm sorry to hear that, slum... Hopefully you and your partner will try to maintain the relationship over distance. That's all you can hope for... I wish you could've seen my place before you left... (Summer it is, then!)
  3. Finally... I was waiting for you, SLUM!!!
  4. I see you lurking- Groovy!!!
  5. Lounge? Where?!?!?!
  6. Good choice, groovements!!! Look forward to seeing you in the movements world!!! And I, UC Irvine
  7. Dun-Dun DUHN!!!! The fifteenth has arrived!
  8. Yes, I received my acceptance via Postal mail (in CA) on Friday, Feb 24. I will keep my fingers crossed for you all!
  9. That was mine. Deans Fellowship for 4 years ($14,500 for Year 1, $13,900 for Years 2-4) Stipend for 1 year ($6,000 for Year 1) TAship/RAship for 3 years ($17,300 for Years 2-4, none for Year 1) No summer funding I guess they want you in and out. If you want me to post an image, I will!
  10. Oh yeah... haste, ABR and UO for sure. Also, Asking Alexandria, Isles & Glaciers, Emarosa, TDWP, BMTH. So... yeah!
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