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Everything posted by bengston

  1. Hey, I did get to go to LA for a week and visit all the programs because a close friend of mine had just moved out there to go to AFI. The USC info session and tour was really blunt, in a good way. Unfortunately I can't seem to remember anything they said about interviews. What they did say was that depending on who they let in the previous year it can be really hard to get in as a photographer, sculptor, or whatever because they don't want everyone to be doing the same thing. Also, they really bluntly said that there was a bias against painters because none of the faculty are really painters and although they would like to have some in the program they can never agree on one to let in. So that was a little funny. But honestly, the way the presented everything was really nice and funny. They are just trying to let you know exactly how things work so you can send them the best application possible. It made me really like the program.
  2. The way the program is structured at Yale is less about creating refined, finished, work and is more about experimentation and producing a lot so that your ideas can progress and change. As people figure out where there interests lay they can refine their processes and technique, but my understanding is that that isn't really what they are looking for at that program. That being said, I think there was some nice work in there, but it is pretty hard to tell anything from that jokey video.
  3. Don't expect anything from Columbia until early next month.
  4. Yeah... when I mentioned the acceptance rates of my top choice schools to my mother she had a very concerned look on her face. I am surprised to see that Cranbrook has such a high acceptance rate considering its reputation. I didn't want to move out there so I didn't research it much, do they not have more applicants because of cost? Does anyone know the rough acceptance rates for Rutgers and Bard? Probably also in the single digits I would assume.
  5. John Hodany: http://www.johnhodany.com/ Anton van Dalen: http://www.antonvandalen.com/ Joshua Marsh: http://joshuamarsh.com/ Dave Hardy: http://www.davehardystudio.com/
  6. I believe all the Hunter deadlines were January 15th.
  7. I have a friend who told me she got an interview at Tyler for printmaking. I am still waiting on Hunter for Works on Paper.
  8. Looks like Columbia's now, it is just a slight face lift but is still being run through ApplyYourself. My guess is it means nothing and they just wanted to wait till all the applications were in before shifting to this updated look. I wouldn't think anything about it.
  9. I haven't listened to the thing iknowyoudontcare posted, but I really enjoyed Air Guitar.
  10. Really feeling your green marble background on that one painting. I kind of think your drawings are the nicest part of your work. Good luck at Tyler!
  11. I am on Wednesday afternoon. Thanks, I am sure you are going to be giving me a run for my money at UCLA, USC, and Rutgers. Congratulations on the interview at University of Chicago. I didn't research that program too much because I have lived in Chicago before and wasn't looking to move back, but I know Jessica Stockholder has taken over there now which is awesome. Also, the Renaissance Society always had really interesting shows and it's in a really nice space. I am sure you would be happy there.
  12. Thanks, it really won't be hard at all because most of my work is small and on paper and my parents actually live just outside of New Haven. I am not certain, but I think Yale interviews about 3 times as many people as they accept into the program, does anyone know if that is right? Another thing I forgot to mention about UCLA not taking recommendation letters: for people who have been out of school for a longer time and haven't lived in big cities with more vibrant art communities I think it would be very hard to find 3 people to write on your behalf. Just one more way in which recommendations can skew towards a certain connected demographic. I think interviews are actually more useful because the faculty can actually get a feel for how the person would fit into the schools culture.
  13. The whole application process at every school is pretty frustrating because the management tools the schools use are too customizable. One school only uses Slideroom, another only ApplyYourself, then others Both. Neither piece of software is great, although I would happily take Slideroom over ApplyYourself anytime. Even my recommenders mentioned to me how frustrating it can be on their end because some schools send out e-mail confirmations that they received the recommendation while others do not. Why this hasn't been simplified yet is beyond me, ApplyYourself seems like it was made in 1999 and never updated, it's crazy. That being said, I think that it is kind of nice that UCLA doesn't take recommendations. Sure, it is nice knowing that you have really good ones, but doesn't everyone? Generally people will not offer to write you a recommendation unless they feel comfortable writing a really positive one. So, with that being the case, they can become more political than anything else at some schools. This isn't to say I don't think they can be useful too, I just believe that your transcript, work, and own writing are a better indication of what kind of artist/student you will be. Also, if you take a look at the work coming out of UCLA, it's pretty clear they are doing something right.
  14. Thanks to everyone for the well wishes. I think the phone interview I heard of may have been to clarify some specific question a faculty member had about their statement or a specific project. Don't think this is normal.
  15. When I was visiting UCLA the admissions woman told us that they did not do any interviews, talking to students that seemed to be the case with one exception and that was a phone interview, so make of that what you may.
  16. I have to agree with you here, indigoconcord. I am often rather confused by many of losemygrip's suggestions and perceived notions of different programs. Chasing after a school's reputation can certainly lead one astray, but Columbia not having "many successful artists come from their program" ? Give me a break. If you spend any time wandering through galleries and checking out artist's CVs you are going to be bumping into a lot of Columbia MFA graduates. Honestly, everyone has different ideas of what it means to be a successful or good artist, but I feel like there is some underlying antagonism towards the contemporary art world in a lot of losemygrip's suggestions.
  17. I wouldn't get too worked up yet. That is an incredibly fast turn around. Yale's app was due January 1st and I am pretty sure they don't start offering interviews until early February. I would expect about a months wait to be more the norm.
  18. I agree with hdsl, no suit. Honestly, I think that if you did wear one it would hurt your chances of getting in because it would make you look out of touch with the art community.
  19. On the Hunter website they say they get about 800 applicants for 80 spots. Of course that is for all the departments combined and obviously they are going to accept more than 80 people to make sure the spots get filled.
  20. I understand why you would want to keep painting, but it is less clear to me why you are interested in getting an MFA. What are your long term goals? How would an MFA suit them more than continuing to take classes, work in your own studio, and apply to residencies? I am not even sure why I am asking this, obviously you have every right to apply to schools. I guess it just seems like you already have a lot of education under your belt.
  21. I had just assumed I should leave that blank unless the image was a still from a video, a shot from a performance, or anything else highly kinetic or conceptual. Do people really fill that in much? I feel like you are supposed to let the images speak for themselves. But either way I wouldn't be trying to explain what the work is "about." That is what the statement is for.
  22. I would just like to add that I was at USC the other day and although they said the school requires a 3.0 GPA that they have never actually really complied with the rule and take who they like regardless of GPA. So I wouldn't sweat your old GPAs much as I assume this is how most schools really work.
  23. I have noticed that a few schools have a GPA requirement, usually it is a 3.0 GPA or higher, not sure if that would have to be your cumulative GPA or just the one from your BFA. That being said, if you meet that requirement I think that is all they care about, a higher or lower GPA probably won't make a difference in terms of being selected for the program.
  24. I got a surprisingly candid response to this yesterday at UCLA and the advisor there basically said yes, you want to be towards the higher end of the spectrum. If you have 20 images but really think one or two aren't strong enough then take them out, but they expect you to have close to the maximum.
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