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About mrendon

  • Birthday 12/23/1989

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Nashville, TN
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
  • Program
    Nutrition/Public Health

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. Craaaaaaaaap! That's another assistanship that falls through....

  2. Today is the day I hear back about the fellowship....let it be good news! AHHHHH!

    1. iphi


      Good luck!

    2. deci:belle


      fingers crossed!

  3. I will be attending the University of Tennessee & getting a dual degree MS Nutrition/MPH.
  4. 3 more weeks until I hear back about fellowships. This wait is killing me. I want to accept now!

    1. abby_wyn


      I feel you. I have the same amount of time to wait...

  5. I am from Tegucigalpa, Honduras and I will be starting my MS in Nutrition & MPH at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville!
  6. I am going to Knoxville for the first time this weekend & I really hope I like it! I've only been in Nashville for a little bit over a year and before that I was in Michigan so I'm curios to see those cultural differences you mention. I haven't really heard much about Knoxville-good or bad.
  7. I will be attending UTK this Fall for an MS in Nutrition (Possibly MPH too! Haven't heard back...) & would love to hear from other people attending. .
  8. Stress non-eater teach me your ways! My consumption of peanut M&Ms is out of control!
  9. Compulsively refreshing the results page is not good for my health.

    1. Zndrson


      same over here. Torture

    2. doingthings


      I'm doing it too. I feel like my heart is in a vice.

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