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    Neuroscience, Immunology (Biomedical Science)
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    Biomedical Science

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  1. Thanks all to you Ohsnap and HumanPerson. I'm so happy to hear about nice night events about Dallas.
  2. Dear all, Can anybody comment on Dallas and Fort Worth, TX. I'm considering to go to UT Southwestern, Dallas for PhD. But, don't know anything about the city. First of all, what kind of social activities are going on the city? I'm a jazz and classical music lover, would love to attend the concerts and live performances. So what about the night life and musical events in those cities? Although I do not expect Dallas to be like NY, but at least it's not a town, is it . Best,
  3. I agree to the guys, you should retake GRE, especially for Quantitative part. I think research experience is very important. I applied as post-Masters, also worked 2 years in a research lab at undergrad. Although I was an EE major, this five years experience helped me to be considered. Best
  4. Hi, I got the same problem, stuck with NYU Sackler and UT Southwestern Biomedical Sciences. Generally what people suggested me is the significance of location comparing Dallas and NYC. They generally support New York area due to density of the universities. Cornell has this chance, perhaps you might do your postdoc in NY or Boston Area. I know lots of people carried on their career with MIT after Cornell. But, UT Austin is also an amazing school at engineering. I not very familiar with Chem Eng. But definitely, Austin has a better weather. The research faculty that you're interested might give you an idea. Good Luck Best
  5. Wow, Firstly, thank you for your help and suggestions. I really needed that kind of advice.. I'm a new student in Biomedical Sciences actually. My major and Masters Degree is about Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics respectively. Hence, I can't guess which school is better in research and also their reputations. If I would choose PhD for my area there are few names like MIT, Stanford ...etc. But in this case, I'm pretty stuck. Truly, I was following Usnews grad school rankings, and according to these statics I didn't see NYU Sackler's position exactly but UT SW was somewhat at top 10. Also, in their website they show that they have 4-Nobel Laureates. This is the main reason why I thought UTSW was a better place. But for the settlement I definitely think NYU is ahead due to reasons that you mentioned. Undergrad fact was also puzzling me. I need to take some basic classes like Biochemistry although it's an undergrad course which I can take in NYU Sackler but I can't in UT SW. Thank you very much for your encourage for NYU Sackler which I wanted to hear. Best
  6. Actually that is the problem. I do not know. But, I'd like to know which one is better before final decision. Do you know anything about NYU Sackler Institute Biomedical Sciences? Is that a good, renowned institute comparing with UT Southwestern? Best,
  7. Thank you for your responses. I cannot ask to the departments where to choose. Perhaps you might give better advice more than myself. I might have to choose Sackler due to boyfriend reasons. I know UT Southwestern is a very good school. Just curious about the reputation of Sackler Institute. I am not sure if it's well known as UT Southwestern. Best,
  8. I got accepted from UT Southwestern PhD for graduate Biomedical program as well as NYU Sackler. Can anyone compare? Any suggestions about which one to choose? Thanks
  9. Dear Mates, I got accepted from UT Southwestern Graduate Biomedical program and NYU Sackler Ins. Biomedical program. I am very puzzled which one to choose. Can anyone comment on which one is better to go, UT SW or NYU Sackler? Can anyone compare these two schools? Any idea would be very much appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Guys, I am accepted from UT Southwestern Graduate Biomedical Sciences and at the same time from NYU Sackler Biomedical Sciences. Can anyone compare these two programs? Is Sackler as good as UT Southwestern? Any idea would be very much appreciated. Thanks
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