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  1. Is there anyone who got any financial offer from EPFL? I heard a negative answer from one of the professors today! they do not have money! Try other universities!
  2. For sure EPFL
  3. I will go to Upenn If I were in your shoes. That is much more famous I guess. Good luck
  4. Thanks, Yeah, He tried to challenge my master thesis. And then he asked me some questions about my interests. But it was more or less about my master work. He also asked which courses I have passed. I guess he has not even taken a look on my CV or trying to show so! Finally he told me I have to interview some other students and I will inform you about my decision in couple of weeks! I didn't like the interview. His questions were like questions of a boss from worker not a prof. from the student!
  5. Today one of the professors responded me and he told that they have all applied for fundings and they will get the answers till end of May. So in May there might be some openings. Also today I did an interview with one of the professors for about 1 hour!
  6. In comparison with German universities, it is poor. In our university in Germany we have more than 10 institutes in our faculty and each professor has 6 to 10 assistants which earn 2000 euro per month. No imagine that our university is not top 5 in Germany. I know some institutes in Germany like RWTH Aachen which have some institutes with more than 40 assistants. I think they do not want to support the salaries of students from governmental sources.
  7. In my point of view, EPFL or ETH are completely comparable with high rank universities in USA but they are located in europe. I mean If you are asian, and you want to stay in a country after your studies, Switzerland is not a good place. Not only Switzerland, but also other european countries have the same problem. In Europe foreigners remain foreigners for ever
  8. I think it is ridiculous. I talked to somebody who has studied there and she told me she was waiting for 8 months after the peer admission. This university is poor and showing its poorness from beginning. I prefer to go to a cheap university in USA than this one! They have admitted us however, they do not have any open position. They are so rude and they do not even answer their emails. Just put your email ahead and do your routine job and wait that maybe after 8 0r 9 months they invite you to an interview!
  9. Hi, Thanks for your note. It was not mentioned in my email that in 2 months I will get an answer:D Yeah your right. The university does not provide funding for admitted students but the professors themselves do it. So it is funny because some of them advertise to hire some people however, some students are admitted and waiting for fund! They have not responded me no we do not need you, they just say: we do not have openings yet. maybe they are writing proposals as you mentioned. But I see eye to eye with you. It is really bothering.
  10. @vietexob: I'm admitted at the Mechanical Engineering faculty and I had the same problem. I contacted more than 8 professors but I got no answers for 3 weeks! then I started resending emails after 3 weeks and all of them answered: "your file is on our desk but we do not have any openings yet! If sth changed, we would contact you." I think this university is not so rich so they can not hire many students. Thats why they give 1 year time to find an advisor. I just received one "somehow" positive answer which asked me to send the 4th recommendation from one of my professors but I'm still waiting for his answer.! Does any body know how long it takes that they make a decision?
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