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Posts posted by theogeek

  1. You sent them an email asking what they will do if you back out of your acceptance of their offer?

    Yes. I know it may seem odd... but they're not going to "retract" their offer. They are grown-ups and I'm sure they understand that applicants are often in such situations. I tried my best to phrase it diplomatically. And... I haven't accepted the offer yet. I think I have the right to know if I will be subject to any consequences (e.g. if I have to put a deposit down and lose it, or if it will mean I can't apply to the program again in later years, or some other random consequence I can't think of). It was not something I wanted to ask because it is awkward but given the required early deadline, I thought being equipped with all relevant information was important. Kuriakos, do you think there might be negative consequences to having sent this email?






    It's not like they're going to call the cops. 


    True dat... haha, thanks!



    For those keeping score at home, Yale will announce tomorrow.

    Good to know! That makes me nervous!! I wonder if all subfields did interviews? I know there were a few posted. Anyone happen to know? 


  2. So... I'm in a bit of a quandary. I've received one acceptance so far and one rejection, still waiting to hear on 8 other schools but judging by what others have heard, I'm probably rejected (or at least not accepted in first round of offers) by at least 3 of those others. The school I've been accepted at requires me to respond by Feb. 24th, which seems really early to me. Does anyone have experience with accepting an offer and then retracting that acceptance if a more appealing offer comes in later? I've emailed the school to find out the consequences but haven't heard back and time is running out. I know no one can speak to the specifics of this school, but has anyone had a similar experience? What happened? Thanks gang :) 

  3. I have yet to hear from them (bad sign 1), but considering that I can no longer log into my online application (bad sign 2), that's probably suggesting I'll hear in the negative very soon.

    Can you sign in now? I was having the same issue earlier but I was also having it with the Harvard log-in and they use the same program so I'm thinking it was a server error of some sort. I can sign in to both now but don't see any changes in status or updates. 

  4. UVA is making me sad!! Didn't hear from them today so doesn't look like I was even waitlisted. On a positive note, realized that my acceptance to McGill (Canada) was actually advanced standing, chops a year of coursework/residency requirement off my program. Yeehaw. Love having at least one option... 

  5. I know speculation is dangerous and usually like to avoid it but what are your thoughts on this ...


    I emailed a POI about a month ago (Jan. 9) at a Canadian school I applied to and didn't hear back until today. In the email the POI said, "...my apologies for being so tardy in responding to this. We have reviewed your file and you will be hearing from our chair soon. I look forward to further correspondence that may result from that."


    Umm......... A tiny hopeful spark in me wants to think that since it took so long to reply, the POI wouldn't have bothered with responding/ saying all that if I didn't get in? Any thoughts? Don't worry the hope won't get too big just in case.

  6. If a school "has made a decision" but the grad assistant will not tell over the phone, that probably means "no", right?


    I strongly suspect that it is policy, so that the same channels are used to communicate decisions to everyone. I wouldn't think it necessarily means no or yes. 

  7. I found it easier to get back into my Master's stuff once the applications were submitted because I could focus more on my thesis. However, since then, the tension of waiting has grown to be a little bit distracting. But I am also "over" my Master's... it has dragged a bit and I am ready for a change of scenery as I've been at my current school too long for my liking. Getting out of here is a motivation in and of itself right now. 

  8. Haha! I am still in grad school at the moment and I'm finding it hard to focus on my work while waiting for all these results!! Yeah I'm not going to assume anything until I hear from schools. How can you see it's an international student? I am technically "international" as well, as I'm Canadian. When I look at info for international students on most US institution websites though, it's usually just stuff about ESL so I don't think I fall under the typical idea of international! 

  9. I was writing my previous post as you made your post about GRE scores, etc. In that case, I think you have a hell of a shot next year if you can retake the GREs! It seems you've already done the hard work making yourself known and standing out with faculty members. :) :)

  10. Confirmed with GDR @ Emory that ALL invites have gone out. I was waitlisted last year. Thinking about seeking an interview more aggressively this time around. Anybody have any thoughts on calling the chair of a dept to make my case? 



    Thanks for posting this, I appreciate the info. Re: making your case to the dept. chair - I also think it depends if you will be applying again. If so, then I wouldn't bother making your case and I'd spend the year trying to make connections with profs, current students, establish what they're looking for, develop your knowledge of your intended project, read their profs' publications, etc. If you aren't going to be applying again.... I'd also say you don't have much to lose, although with diazalon, I think it might possibly not go over very well. 


    Maybe I'm being a little too hopeful but I know the website says that being invited to the recruitment weekend does not guarantee a spot and that not being invited doesn't mean you are rejected. I know chances are that the vast majority, if not all, of the students finally admitted will have had an interview but maybe there is a smidgen of a chance that more may be accepted. It's not one of my top choices but I did apply there. 

  11. Cecilia22, do you know if Theological Studies and Ethics and Society invites have been sent out for Emory too? I wasn't sure if you meant "all" as in all PCRL or all GDR interviews. It wouldn't be great news if they all have been, but I wouldn't be heartbroken either. 

  12. Good luck! Quite nearly finished with mine as well. 10 of 11 done! I wish I were getting some sort of hourly wage for all this application work.


    Thanks, good luck to you too! I know... it is really time consuming. I feel like every school asks for something slightly different in the statement too so it's not that easy to just recycle. 

  13. I contacted a couple profs at Emory prior to applying. From one I got an automated message about being on sabbatical, another stated she is not currently taking research students but she was very kind and gave me the name of a professor who might be interested, and I contacted him and he responded very kindly, with no indication that it was an 'annoyance,' but who knows. 

  14. I figure I should list where I applied now that I am really DONE all my apps (woo hoo)! It's a long list... Emory, Vanderbilt, Princeton Theological Seminary, Yale, Notre Dame, University of Virginia, University of Toronto, McGill University, McMaster University. Haven't heard anything from any of them yet. I am mostly in Christian theology/systematics subfields except at Notre Dame, where I'm applying to moral theology/Christian ethics.

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