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Columbia Social Work Program Fall 2018


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20 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

If I don't hear by tomorrow I'm gonna call on Monday. This is getting a bit ridiculous.

Yeah this wait is way too long. I'm even thinking about calling tomorrow;  My main problem is that I live in Texas so I really need to start planning if I'm going to uproot my life to New York. My apartment complex wants to know now if 'm going to resign my lease. I'm kinda stressing that if I don't get in and also lose my apartment because I waited too long. :/

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7 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

Yeah this wait is way too long. I'm even thinking about calling tomorrow;  My main problem is that I live in Texas so I really need to start planning if I'm going to uproot my life to New York. My apartment complex wants to know now if 'm going to resign my lease. I'm kinda stressing that if I don't get in and also lose my apartment because I waited too long. :/

Oh man yeah that sounds so incredibly stressful, I’m sorry. ? Did you apply to any other places, or just Columbia?

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9 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Oh man yeah that sounds so incredibly stressful, I’m sorry. ? Did you apply to any other places, or just Columbia?

Yes I did!!  But only one other school lol. My plan was always to spread out my applications,  so for next spring and summer I'm applying to 5 grad schools and this round I only applied to Columbia and University of Michigan. But like I said earlier I was given a great opportunity this week and was given a new job as a mental health forensic specialist so if I don't get in this round at least I'll have a job I love. But also I would love to go to Columbia so we shall see. I'm kinda glad I have you to wait with me lol, we shall be kindred spirits together in this forever waiting game

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1 hour ago, sjbarton93 said:

Yes I did!!  But only one other school lol. My plan was always to spread out my applications,  so for next spring and summer I'm applying to 5 grad schools and this round I only applied to Columbia and University of Michigan. But like I said earlier I was given a great opportunity this week and was given a new job as a mental health forensic specialist so if I don't get in this round at least I'll have a job I love. But also I would love to go to Columbia so we shall see. I'm kinda glad I have you to wait with me lol, we shall be kindred spirits together in this forever waiting game

Gotcha! That’s awesome! And yeah, I know what you mean. I hope everyone that’s still waiting gets their decisions the same day and that no one is left out! Also, remind me when you applied again? If it was earlier than me then I feel bad and you should get your decision first, lol.

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41 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Gotcha! That’s awesome! And yeah, I know what you mean. I hope everyone that’s still waiting gets their decisions the same day and that no one is left out! Also, remind me when you applied again? If it was earlier than me then I feel bad and you should get your decision first, lol.

Definitely not earlier than you! I was a lazy bones and turned my application on 2/14 lol. And it would be awesome if we got the decision together! I'll have our fingers crossed that we get it today or tomorrow. I somehow have a feeling it will be Monday however, not sure why I feel this way.

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7 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

Definitely not earlier than you! I was a lazy bones and turned my application on 2/14 lol. And it would be awesome if we got the decision together! I'll have our fingers crossed that we get it today or tomorrow. I somehow have a feeling it will be Monday however, not sure why I feel this way.

Actually, I submitted on 2/15! I've just been very vocal on this thread so people assume that I applied ages ago, lol.

I feel like it might be Monday too - or even later, since they told me "the beginning of April." I hope to be proven wrong though!

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13 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Actually, I submitted on 2/15! I've just been very vocal on this thread so people assume that I applied ages ago, lol.

I feel like it might be Monday too - or even later, since they told me "the beginning of April." I hope to be proven wrong though!

okay so we applied that the same time! Yeah but if its the third week of april I'm going to die lol

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5 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

okay so we applied that the same time! Yeah but if its the third week of april I'm going to die lol

Same! But I know someone else was told mid-April on here and she got her decision like the next day, so. Here's hoping!

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So crazy. This isnt the only school that hasnt gotten back to me. Fordham accepted. Suny university at buffalo accepted. But columbia nothing. Stony brook university i applied in OCTOBER AND NOTHING i am definitely not going there anyway but how rude.

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6 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

So crazy. This isnt the only school that hasnt gotten back to me. Fordham accepted. Suny university at buffalo accepted. But columbia nothing. Stony brook university i applied in OCTOBER AND NOTHING i am definitely not going there anyway but how rude.

yeah its so crazy that the wait is this bad, I feel like my life is on hold because I have no idea what im doing or where ill be in a couple of months from now! I'm a planner, I need to plan!! lol I'm going a little crazy

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6 minutes ago, sjbarton93 said:

yeah its so crazy that the wait is this bad, I feel like my life is on hold because I have no idea what im doing or where ill be in a couple of months from now! I'm a planner, I need to plan!! lol I'm going a little crazy

Same, like, I can handle the rejection if that’s what it is. I just want to be able to move on with my life.

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Does anyone else feel like you are somehow missing something on the portal? Lol, I know I'm not because another one of my schools uses the same system and I found the status update there easily enough, but I still keep thinking it's just not showing up on my computer or my phone for some reason. It's like my brain refuses to comprehend that it's STILL not there. Lmao.

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5 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Does anyone else feel like you are somehow missing something on the portal? Lol, I know I'm not because another one of my schools uses the same system and I found the status update there easily enough, but I still keep thinking it's just not showing up on my computer or my phone for some reason. It's like my brain refuses to comprehend that it's STILL not there. Lmao.

I thought that but emailed admissions and they said my app was complete and under review. Don't worry :)

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6 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Does anyone else feel like you are somehow missing something on the portal? Lol, I know I'm not because another one of my schools uses the same system and I found the status update there easily enough, but I still keep thinking it's just not showing up on my computer or my phone for some reason. It's like my brain refuses to comprehend that it's STILL not there. Lmao.

YES! I feel this everyday!

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6 minutes ago, Holli82 said:

I thought that but emailed admissions and they said my app was complete and under review. Don't worry :)

Thank you. I know it's just my brain playing tricks on me, but it still sucks. I really hope they send out a big batch of decisions tomorrow!


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