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The Waiting Room


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Ahhh, application season 2010. I was here last year and applied only to the top programs (Harvard, Princeton, Chicago, UPenn, Stanford, and Berkeley) and had no luck (obviously) and wasn't even waitlisted...

So I took the 2009/10 academic year to really beef-up my ancient languages in a post baccalaureate program at UPenn. The general consensus among the profs here (who also sit on the admissions committee) is that it is in our best interest to go get a MA degree before applying for a PhD program, since more than half of the grad students here at UPenn came in with a MA.

So... I applied to a good selection of top MA programs in ancient history, and in some cases classics, but decided to throw my name in the hat at UNC-CH, where I was wait-lised.

I was told when I spoke to the graduate secretary there that UNC has never done waitlisting before, last year was the first and this year is the second. They typically will over-offer admission (as all schools do) with the expectation that around 60-75% of those that are offered it will take it. Things are so tight at UNC that they are not allowed to "gamble," if you will, with the budget, and they can only make offers to those that they can fund.

Odd since even here at UPenn, the profs said that they have never had 100% of those offered funding accept it. Oh well, it is what it is....

Not sure what would be a worse feeling: Getting rejected from all schools you applied to (as happened to me in 2009) or... to be on a waitlist (which essentially is that your good enough for their program, but someone is just that much better---in fact I'm sure that this is where the GREs really come into the process; I was 590V/610Q/5.5AW)and then be rejected as everyone is taking whatever they can get....

The bottom line is that waiting sucks. Especially when you have to wait weeks beyond those that were accepted and those that were rejected. I was told by the DGS that since students have until April 15 to give an answer, it could be shortly after that that the final answers are sent to those wait-listed...

So, looks like the date I have been waiting for (March 15--the unofficial notification deadline) is now pushed ahead to somewhere in early May.

I was told by one of the professors here that being waitlisted is sort of like purgatory.

Although in purgatory there isn't a chance that you'll eventually go to Hell, now is there? :blink:

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I know how you feel. I've referred to the wait-list as purgatory, too. But I prefer (as you can see below) to think of it as the Group W bench.

Alice's Restaurant reference:

And I, I walked over to the, to the bench there, and there is, Group W's where they put you if you may not be moral enough to join the army after committing your special crime, and there was all kinds of mean nasty ugly looking people on the bench there. Mother rapers. Father stabbers. Father rapers! Father rapers sitting right there on the bench next to me!

And they was mean and nasty and ugly and horrible crime-type guys sitting on the bench next to me. And the meanest, ugliest, nastiest one, the meanest father raper of them all, was coming over to me and he was mean 'n' ugly 'n' nasty 'n' horrible and all kind of things and he sat down next to me and said, "Kid, whad'ya get?" I said, "I didn't get nothing, I had to pay $50 and pick up the garbage." He said, "What were you arrested for, kid?" And I said, "Littering."

And they all moved away from me on the bench there, and the hairy eyeball and all kinds of mean nasty things, till I said, "And creating a nuisance." And they all came back, shook my hand, and we had a great time on the bench, talkin about crime, mother stabbing, father raping, all kinds of groovy things that we was talking about on the bench.

Welcome to the Group W bench. You may not be "moral" enough to join the graduate school after committing your "special crime"!

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If it makes you all feel any better, I'd kill to be waitlisted right about now. Sure, it must be frustrating, but at least what it tells you is that you are good enough to be considered seriously. It also suggests that were this not a bad economic year, you'd be in. Straight rejections don't offer that kind of reassurance, they just make you feel worthless!

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If it makes you all feel any better, I'd kill to be waitlisted right about now. Sure, it must be frustrating, but at least what it tells you is that you are good enough to be considered seriously. It also suggests that were this not a bad economic year, you'd be in. Straight rejections don't offer that kind of reassurance, they just make you feel worthless!

You are absolutely right, and trust me I know how it feels to be rejected from all schools. But, I think that what has be bothered the most is that I worry that all this is doing is further postponing my rejection, and giving me a false hope.

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Did anybody else get wait listed at Chicago? At first I was flattered, but didn't really expect to get in. But the official wait list letter was just so nice ("In a normal year, I would be offering you admission and financial aid at this time. Due to the economic realities of the current year, however, we must place you on a short wait list.")

So now, I'm starting to actually hold out hope, which is probably a bad idea. Is there anybody else who is in the same boat?

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Did anybody else get wait listed at Chicago? At first I was flattered, but didn't really expect to get in. But the official wait list letter was just so nice ("In a normal year, I would be offering you admission and financial aid at this time. Due to the economic realities of the current year, however, we must place you on a short wait list.")

So now, I'm starting to actually hold out hope, which is probably a bad idea. Is there anybody else who is in the same boat?

Chicago is nice, except for the fact that it is where fun goes to die (don't believe me? ask anyone that goes there!)

At this point in the game, I don't think I'll have anything going for me except the waitlist at Brandeis. NYU will probably mail out their decisions between the 15th-20th (their spring break). I had the most wonderful dream last night where I went to my mailbox to find an acceptance letter from NYU (in a rather large package). Alas, I fear that it shall be naught but a dream.

So...if you're accepted and not going to Brandeis...tell them now and ease my suffering!

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Chicago is nice, except for the fact that it is where fun goes to die (don't believe me? ask anyone that goes there!)

Haha, I have heard that. But still, I grew up about an hour south of Chicago, and it's pretty much loomed as an awesome, shiny (OK, not literally shiny) tower of academia. They idea that they'd actually let me in there is pretty ludicrous to me.

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Haha, I have heard that. But still, I grew up about an hour south of Chicago, and it's pretty much loomed as an awesome, shiny (OK, not literally shiny) tower of academia. They idea that they'd actually let me in there is pretty ludicrous to me.

So the Kankakee area or thereabouts?

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Did anybody else get wait listed at Chicago? At first I was flattered, but didn't really expect to get in. But the official wait list letter was just so nice ("In a normal year, I would be offering you admission and financial aid at this time. Due to the economic realities of the current year, however, we must place you on a short wait list.")

So now, I'm starting to actually hold out hope, which is probably a bad idea. Is there anybody else who is in the same boat?

I got the same letter. Wonder when they'll give their final verdict.

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AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH! I just found out that I am wait listed at Iowa. Now I have an unfunded Wisconsin admit, and two wait lists (I am on the funding list at Florida too). I am soooo frustrated right now. I feel like this whole process has just been demoralizing. I thought I would know by now where I'm going next fall, but it turns out I have to wait for another month or so to find out. This is torture!! And what if all the waiting is for nothing, and both places end up rejecting me??? (can you tell I am a bit perturbed?) Sorry, just needed to vent and I figured this was the place.

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AAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHH! I just found out that I am wait listed at Iowa. Now I have an unfunded Wisconsin admit, and two wait lists (I am on the funding list at Florida too). I am soooo frustrated right now. I feel like this whole process has just been demoralizing. I thought I would know by now where I'm going next fall, but it turns out I have to wait for another month or so to find out. This is torture!! And what if all the waiting is for nothing, and both places end up rejecting me??? (can you tell I am a bit perturbed?) Sorry, just needed to vent and I figured this was the place.

I'm right there with you! It's really scary for me (and my husband!) to not know where we're going to be living next fall, and if I'll even be in school. It's really awful!

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E-mailed the DGS at Indiana today... figuring I've been rejected as VampireLincoln and tourist have been notified already.


At this point, I am so happy to know that I am actually good enough for a Ph.D. program. *happy dance* And yes, I am going to hold out my hope as this is one of my two best fit, top choice schools. The e-mail was very nice it was on the tone of in a normal year, I'd be in.

Now I just have to wait for two more places...

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E-mailed the DGS at Indiana today... figuring I've been rejected as VampireLincoln and tourist have been notified already.


At this point, I am so happy to know that I am actually good enough for a Ph.D. program. *happy dance* And yes, I am going to hold out my hope as this is one of my two best fit, top choice schools. The e-mail was very nice it was on the tone of in a normal year, I'd be in.

Now I just have to wait for two more places...

Congrats and good luck!! Have you heard back from Brandeis Judaic Studies yet?

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Hey, just wanted to say what a great site this is - I wish I would have found it earlier on in the application process, it certainly would have helped! Anyhow, like many of you, I am waitlisted at two of my top choices and, as someone said, this waiting is akin to purgatory (well, perhaps that's a bit drastic) but I sure wish April 15th would get here a lot sooner! I'm just glad I found this site because I know I'm not alone! Good luck to everyone on the waitlist!

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I now have to add another item to my menu of frustration: U of Georgia just waitlisted me for funding...grrr...what is going on, its like I'm okay, but just not there, just not good enough of a candidate to merit straight out acceptance at these schools!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There's hope people: I just got into Iowa off the waitlist with full funding!!! Yipppeee! So keep the faith, it can happen!

Congrats Goober! I'm trying to cross my fingers... I prayed that one of my waitlist schools would open up the Red Sea for me just as God did for Moses and his people... ;) But since tourist already accepted the spot... I'm thinking, oh my god, how many free spots do they have left at Indiana?!

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Congrats Goober! I'm trying to cross my fingers... I prayed that one of my waitlist schools would open up the Red Sea for me just as God did for Moses and his people... ;) But since tourist already accepted the spot... I'm thinking, oh my god, how many free spots do they have left at Indiana?!

Thanks Tickle! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you too!

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Congrats Goober! I'm trying to cross my fingers... I prayed that one of my waitlist schools would open up the Red Sea for me just as God did for Moses and his people... wink.gif But since tourist already accepted the spot... I'm thinking, oh my god, how many free spots do they have left at Indiana?!

Jeeze, it must be Passover :P Good Pesach!

I exchanged emails with Brandeis none too recently. It's really funny because they think I've got other offers I'm weighing. Obviously, I did not directly answer that question and reaffirmed that Brandeis is my top choice and if accepted I would attend. No need to show them my Jack high if they think I'm holding a flush!

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