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The proper way of accepting an offer?


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I was just accepted into my top choice program and the director wants a reply back telling her if we are going to accept the offer or not so they can let the waitlist people know something. I am wondering what are the best things to say in this reply telling her that I am accepting the offer. Any suggestions will be appreciated! Thank you!

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Haha, it must be pretty sweet to be able to post this topic!

I don't think you need to make it fancy, provided that you have all the details you need to make a decision. Have they told you about funding? Have you had a chance to visit? That sort of thing. If you know everything you need to know and you're ready to accept then I think a quick response that thanks them and clearly informs them that you're accepting is all you need.

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Congrats jlee!! I wouldn't know what to say either. I think I would probably be shaking a bit in excitement trying to type it out.

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Well, I just say,

I don't know how people usually say this, so I would go strait-forward. I will be attending (school name). It's always my dream to study in (school name). Please let me know if there's anything I should do from now on.

My two cents.

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Go the simple way: write to the DGS and say something along the lines of -

"Thank you very much for your offer! I am excited to let you know that I have decided to accept. What is the next step? Are there any forms I need to sign?" (=usually yes, you have to send a letter or fax formally accepting the offer). Say that you are looking forward to meeting them in the fall (or seeing them again, whatever fits). It doesn't have to be a long email. After that you're pretty much set. All you have to do is wait til the fall :)

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