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Hi y'all!

I wanted to get some insight about the programs I've so far been accepted in. As of this moment, I'm not entirely certain on the direction I'd like to take after graduate studies, but I'd definitely like to keep all options open.

I've an undergrad in International Economics at UPF, +3 years of experience in macro research and I've been applying to European MSc programs (5 different applications). I'd like to focus my research on macro and monetary policy, though - as mentioned above - I'm not quite sure I would like to follow it up with a PhD program. So far, these are the schools that have accepted me:

- Stockholm School of Economics: No fees due to EU passport, though not funding either. 

- GSE Barcelona: No funding.

- CEMFI: Tuition waiver, no stipend. 

Waiting for replies from PSE and Zurich. 

Any thoughts, comments, tips, recommendations and general information you can share would be very welcome. :) 

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