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So if I haven't heard anything at this point does that mean I am basically screwed? One rejection letter down but not a word from any other place I applied. I keep telling myself that "no news is good news" (i.e.: no more rejection letters), however, I am slowly turning over to "no news is agonizing and bad." So far I have beat the temptation to call places and check up on what they are doing (only 1 of them is listed in the results search).. help?

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I don't know, I looked at the results search for the places I'm applying to and I don't hear back until the end of March. Could just be that you are in the later batch of schools that send out notifications. You could always make a call to the schools and just don't give them your name and ask when you would expect to hear back. You can even *67 the call if you don't want them to see the number. . . .but that's a bit on the paranoid side.

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Don't give up hope yet! I'm in the same boat. One rejection, one interview (which took place 2 wks ago and still, nothing) and one acceptance to a Masters program (which is a GREAT program, but still, was hoping for a Ph.D.). I would check the results page to see if schools are contacting others. If they are and you haven't heard, maybe it's not such a bad idea to email POIs to see what's up. I did and am getting responses that basically say- we're contacting our first choices. You're not out, but you're not definitely in either.... :huh:

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