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Computer science dept


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So I understand that it depends on the subjective individual to choose what best suits him/her. But I would like a generalized opinion on which Computer science dept is ranked higher out of the following schools:

University at Buffalo - Suny

University of Delaware

University of Oregon

I would greatly appreciate your opinions.

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In my opinion, once you get outside the top 20 or so the rankings don't really matter too much. Pick somewhere solely on fit, nobody is going to care (or know) that you chose a school ranked #50 over a school ranked #70. If you really really want rankings, check out USNews.

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I can't really provide much information for the schools you have listed, but I will say this. The top schools are at the top because they are strong in a lot of subfields. Once you get out of the top, many schools may be weak in some or most areas but can be pretty decent at some subfields. For this reason I think looking at general rankings, especially for such diverse fields as CS, can be dangerous. What really matters is how your school and professors are in your subfield. I would advise looking at the professors at the schools in your area. Where have they published? How often do they publish? What do their former students do? Once you start answer those kinds of questions, you can really get a sense of the faculty and reputation of the school in the area specific to you.

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I totally agree with Gaiden59. You should check your research areas first. And I also would like to advise the original poster to consider other conditions, such as weather, location, neighborhood, and etc.

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Yes, I understand the concept of subjective preference in terms of research interest compatibility. But what I had meant to ask was reviews (if possible) about individual departments and respective faculty at the 3 mentioned computer science depts.

But thanks anyways;)

Edited by hajimemashite
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