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Georgetown MSFS Fall 2010


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Hey LeeLee, so you already heard from SIS? Was it email or mail?? Would you mind saying when you got the word? Thanks and congratulations on all your acceptances!

I'm in another country, so I'm pretty worried as to when I'll get a notification in case they only send it through the postal service...

Thanks, I'm excited and surprised by the acceptances. My SIS acceptance came in the mail this afternoon-- sent via postal service. The letter is dated 8 March but they must have had them sitting around the office because it didn't make it here until the 15th and I live right outside D.C. I applied for the Security Studies program. They didn't offer me any grants, only loans, so it's definitely not an option. Good luck to you and I hope you only have a short wait!

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MSFS Email just arrived! I'm in there, which comes as a surprise considering how incredibly competitive it is. Needless to say, I'm happy and releived to have a) gotten in and B) be done waiting (now I just have some decisions to make).

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MSFS Email just arrived! I'm in there, which comes as a surprise considering how incredibly competitive it is. Needless to say, I'm happy and releived to have a) gotten in and B) be done waiting (now I just have some decisions to make).

super super super Congratulations!!!!!!! Still waiting.

Notified by email???

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Just got the acceptance email! Absolutely thrilled... I think this may take care of my decision :) Good luck, all.

super super Congratulations!

I noticed you also got in SIPA today! I guess today is your day! ;-)

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I also got accepted to both MSFS and SAIS, in DC campus!

Congratulations! For those of you who received emails, are you living abroad? I ask bc I was admitted last year via postal service on march 20 (i live in dc), but decided to work another year and reapplied this year. I'm wondering if they changed their system to emails or only send emails to people outside the us. I haven't heard back yet. . .

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Congratulations! For those of you who received emails, are you living abroad? I ask bc I was admitted last year via postal service on march 20 (i live in dc), but decided to work another year and reapplied this year. I'm wondering if they changed their system to emails or only send emails to people outside the us. I haven't heard back yet. . .

I'm in DC and got the email.

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Congrats to everyone who got it! Would anyone mind sharing their locations? Looking at past years, SFS seems to be quite random when it comes to notification day/method. No one received physical mail right?

NYC. Received the acceptance via email approx 8:15pm (EST).

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I could be completely wrong but it seems as though a majority of decisions both good and bad did not go out tonight. There hasn't been that buzz of excitement. But again, I could be totally wrong and trying to make myself feel better.

Edited by estafan1
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nothing yet for me either..

are waitlists/rejects also notified via email?

for admits: were you guys emailed saying that you decision was reached and needed to log in or was it a congrats email itself?

It was a congrats email itself, saying that that there was an acceptance package in the mail which I should be receiving in the next week or so.

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Got my acceptance email last evening. So I'm in G/T, SAIS, and Fletcher. Waitlisted at SIPA.

Got 8K at Fletcher, awaiting financial award info from GT and SAIS. Although it seems like GT doesn't offer too many first year scholarships, so I'm not overly optmistic about getting one.

FYI, I'm in Canada.

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Got my acceptance email last evening. So I'm in G/T, SAIS, and Fletcher. Waitlisted at SIPA.

Got 8K at Fletcher, awaiting financial award info from GT and SAIS. Although it seems like GT doesn't offer too many first year scholarships, so I'm not overly optmistic about getting one.

FYI, I'm in Canada.

psh - I'm in the same boat. Got into Gtown Sais and Fletcher, with Fletcher offering some dough. GTown was always my #1, and also not expecting any funds from them, but I've got to decide now if $12/year is enough to move me out of DC... Congrats by the way.

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i haven't received anything yet either. this is depressing. i didn't have the econ requirements but have an engineering background so I thought that might help.

I wonder if GT made all their decisions or are doing waves like SIPA. *sigh*

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Congratulations - What are your thoughts on the GT vs Fletcher debate? Do you know of some relevant points of comparison?

Got my acceptance email last evening. So I'm in G/T, SAIS, and Fletcher. Waitlisted at SIPA.

Got 8K at Fletcher, awaiting financial award info from GT and SAIS. Although it seems like GT doesn't offer too many first year scholarships, so I'm not overly optmistic about getting one.

FYI, I'm in Canada.

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Got my acceptance to Georgetown yesterday, too. Same deal, a congratulations email with funding info forthcoming in regular mail early next week. I'm also in at Fletcher ($15k) and SAIS Bologna (awaiting word of funding, if any). If the other two schools don't offer me funding, I'm probably going to Fletcher, though I am aware that Georgetown does offer more funding the second year. I don't know where I come down on the whole debate yet (Fletcher v. Georgetown). My take so far is that the curriculum at Georgetown is tremendously well-designed to prepare me for a career as a diplomat, which is actually what I want to do. Fletcher is infinitely flexible, but I'll have to be purposeful in how I shape my degree and resist the urge to drift. D.C. is a better place to prepare for a career in government than Boston, but that's not a deal-breaker, in my book. Just some preliminary thoughts before I dig deeper over the next month.

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