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Grad school or not? Here's the answer you need!


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Are you still considering whether you should go to grad school or stay at a boring job? This was exactly what I was pondering a couple years ago. Now I want to tell you that grad school experience might be the best you would ever have.

Here's my story. 

I graduated from university in 2010 with a B.A. degree. In the second last semester, a Politics course just changed my life forever. I wasn't the best student in my class in any way, in fact I was probably the furthest from top student quality. I didn't study hard, nor did I receive satisfying grades. To the contrary, I was one of those absent-minded ones who struggled to stay above a 2.0 CGPA for elective courses. Sure I did okay for mandatory courses of my major but no one in my social circle including myself thought saw me as particularly intellectual. It wasn't until that I took that one course called Political Economy of media which sort of shook me to the core. I was totally hooked. Thereafter, I wanted to go back to school badly. Had several jobs here and there but none of them was particularly successful. This is not because I wasn't good at my job but it is just that I didn't feel fulfilled. In other words, I was hungry for that intellectual stimulation. At the age of 31, I applied to grad school in London, England studying Politics. During the year I was there, I felt like a different person. I was truly happy. I got to hang out with people who are also interested in things I love, which is very rare to find in my city. I also got to know a few of brilliant professors who I admired. Now I am a part-time teacher and also a freelance writer. now looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. My life as a graduate student in London was the best experience in my life. 

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