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Prerequistes-Developmental Studies Masters

Jack Silverz

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Dear All,

I intially decided to pursue a full time MBA from a Grad school considering my corporate work background. But I would like to work on Developmental Aid projects after completing my future Doctoral program. I was going through some masters programs in Developmental studies and most require a bachelors in sociology. Are there masters programs on developmental studies or Developmental management which would consider my software experience(5 years in SAP) and Computer engineering Bachelors degree? I also hold an MBA from an online masters program (distance course). My feeling for contribution towards development studies comes from my weekend commitments to community service and that I was born and brought up in an under-developed community.

I looked at the LUMID programme in Sweden but unfortunately with tuition fees being introduced for the first time from 2011 and part-time jobs while attending the program to cover daily expenses being a bleak possibility for people who arent fluent in Swedish, that lovely program in Sweden doesn't seem financially feasible for me. I would already be funding my masters via an educational loan.

Are there such masters programs on Developmental studies in the USA? From what I hear daily expenses during the masters program can be better handled here.


Jack Silverz

Edited by Jack Silverz
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I'm not sure about the US, but I do know that most universities in the UK have Masters in Development Studies (and variations thereof: ie Gender and Development, Religion and Development etc). These are almost always one year courses so they definitely cut down on the amount of money you spend.

I actually doubt there would be a stand alone Masters in Development Studies in the US, because development studies seems to come under the rubric of sociology here. I don't know what kinds of requirements the US would have for admitting you but I know the UK is pretty flexible (ie people with an undergrad in English Lit or Philosophy, with community service etc on the weekends/holidays, have been admitted to some of the top programs).

Hope this helps.

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You might want to look into the International Development programs at Clark University (http://www.clarku.edu/departments/idce/default.cfm).

A school with great options. A dual course of 3 years which awards MBA and MA too!! And by what I got to read there are many options available to fund the program as well.Sounds Swell thank you, appreciate the input!!

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