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Got job offer


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Is this just a full time, full benefits nice job? You only have less than a month left to wait, as many schools make you decide by April 15. You don't have much longer to go.

Also, if your top choice came back with full funding, you would say no?

Edited by digits2006
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yes, it is a full-time full benefits nice job. I know I've been waitlisted and not rejected. I don't know... I am kinda confused actually cos this job is really good.

I guess you have to ask yourself why you want to go to grad school for. If you've always wanted to be an academic, then maybe you should still try to get into grad school. However, if you reason for doing grad school is to get a good job, then if one comes along before grad school, take it and don't look back.

Only you know what you really want in your heart of hearts. Be honest with yourself and follow your heart... All the best!

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I'm kind of in the same boat, although I don't have a job offer (yet). I'm currently an interior designer (but working a non-interior design job for the past year due to geography/family issues), and I've applied for architecture programs. I'm still waiting to hear from my two main ones (was rejected from the one I always knew I'd be rejected from), but I've started re-thinking how much I really want to go back to architecture. I'm free to move now, so I could get an interior design job and remain a designer, spending the next three years working, making money, and getting experience, or I could go to school and increase my debt for the next three years and then start out as an entry-level architect. It's a tough call. I think I'd RATHER be an architect, but I also like being an interior designer, and I don't know if the change is really worth the added expense and time (I'm already 30).

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Congrats on the job! I say if you're more excited over the job than the prospect of grad school, you take it and don't look back. If you're still hopeful about grad school then wait and see what happens. Either way it sounds like you're set for the next year.

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