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Staying focused during the wait


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Starting a thread on general advice for staying focused on whatever you have going on in the present. 

I'll be changing fields for grad school, and leaving a full time job as well.  It's *hard* to stay focused while I'm waiting for a decision.   

So far the best things I've come up with are using the pomodoro method for managing my time during the workday, and using the break times to check my email and admissions sites.  That sort of keeps it to a reasonable frequency.  And I'm spending my lunch breaks reading research articles related to the areas I want to research over the next few years.

Any other tips on staying focused while you wait?

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I would need tips as well. I'm so worried about not getting a scholarship that it's hard to let go and stay focus on what I can control right now (aka, finishing my master's thesis before Feb 15). If I don't get a scholarship, I won't be able to move in the university that has accepted me next semester. I applied to 5 different scholarships between September 2018 and this week. It's really hard to not to think about it. I will only get a decision between early April and end of April for all of those. I have two more months to wait, and it's painful to make people wait so long for something that's so crucial to their academic success :(

Edited by Adelaide9216
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6 minutes ago, Adelaide9216 said:

I'm so worried about not getting a scholarship that it's hard to let go and stay focus on what I can control right now (aka, finishing my master's thesis before Feb 15). 


For me, it's studying for comps (March 15th) which is a 6-hour written exam. I am so stressed about the money.

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1 minute ago, Jericho said:

For me, it's studying for comps (March 15th) which is a 6-hour written exam. I am so stressed about the money.

Same. Good luck on your exam! 

I'm going to the theater tonight just to change my mind. 

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1 minute ago, Adelaide9216 said:

Same. Good luck on your exam! 

Thanks. I'm sooooo stressed since I also have to balance classes and being a teaching/research assistant. It helps to know everyone else is stressing too. 

So smart to get your mind off of this madness.

Edited by Jericho
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