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CSULB MSW Application Status Report?


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I applied to CSULB and have been checking the status by going to the self service and putting in my campus ID and everything.  I tried it a couple of days ago and it says that I will get something in my email and I wait but I never get anything. 

The last time I got something from them was the following:

Report prepared on 03/04/2019

The current status of your application:

Your application has been reviewed and has been forwarded to the academic department for their review. Every effort will be made to provide you with a timely decision. In the meantime, be sure to check the website of your academic department for departmental deadlines and any additional required documents. Remember to check your email regularly for messages from CSULB regarding admission decisions, any upcoming deadlines or required documents.


Why am I no longer getting anything? What does this mean? Is this happening to anyone else? thanks

Edited by gk8
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Hi @gk8, I applied to CSULB on January 15th (that very last day!) and have received a similar e-mail from self-service. The last one I did was on March 7th, and the message hasn't changed. There is another thread on here for other people who have applied (I believe the title is CSULB MSW 2019), I believe the people who have gotten accepted applied very early or are advanced standing applicants. 


I'm not 100% sure on what the message means, but I feel that I might have gotten rejected ( I hope not though). I hope you get something soon!

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@gk8 Thank you! I actually decided to accept a different offer, since it's where my heart truly is. I'm definitely still curious to know if I would have gotten accepted or not. I follow all the threads I can pretty consistently and they all have a wealth of information.

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