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If you have not heard back from a school and know that other people were notified over a week ago should you just assume you were rejected?? I did not realize some schools will just not tell you if you got rejected.. And if that is the case how long do you wait to accept the fact that they just are not going to tell you? I am over here going crazy trying not to be hopeful that I will hear eventually but it is just hard when I haven't officially heard. Please help!! (To be specific I am talking about Georgia State and UF?

Thank you in advance!

Edited by kt_1997
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Have you seen others post waitlist or rejection decisions? If it was me I'd probably wait until I saw those before I reached out. Who knows, maybe you're near the top of the waitlist. Hoping the best for you! :) 

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I saw people post acceptances, rejections, and waitlist for UF and only acceptances and waitlist for Georgia State. That is why I am guessing I got rejected from Georgia State but I think it is so weird I haven't heard from UF! Thank you so much for your response!!

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