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Hi guys,

so kind of nervous. Basically I am a transfer student from  community college. Took all lower division math and physics and some comp sci - 4.0 gpa. I am taking Math 109 (proofs class) and Math 20E ( Vector Calculus) at UC San Diego. I will be a junior to start.


Basically, I want to take Math 140ABC ( Real analysis series) junior year. But all the math students UCSD are telling me it is the hardest and sweatiest class for Undergraduate math at UCSD. And I looked at the grade distribution, and enrollment 40 students. 12 students fail, and only 8 students get A. I obviously want to keep high GPA to impress admission committee, but if I don't take real analysis this year for junior year they might think I am a chicken for not taking real analysis this year. But at the same time, I do not want to have low GPA. By the way is it normal to have Rudin as first text in analysis? UCLA and Berkeley use Ross for their analysis classes (undergrad). 

Also the professor for real analysis would be: Tarek Elginid, and he apparently wrote his own book in real analysis for the graduate course in real analysis. 


Junior year with Real Analysis:

Fall quarter:

Math 102 (Linear algebra upper division)

Math 140A (Real Analysis)

Math 180A (Probability Theory)

Winter quarter:

Math 140B (Real Analysis)

Math 180B (Stochastic Process)

Math 181A (Mathematical Statistics)

Spring quarter:

Math 140C (Real Analysis)

Math 180C (Stochastic Process)

Math 181B (Mathematical Statistics)


Without Real Analysis:


Math 102 (Linear Algebra)

Math 180A (probability theory)

Math 120A (Complex Analysis)


Math 180B (Stochastic Process)

Math 120B (Complex Analysis)

Math 181A (Mathematical Statistics)

Math 184 (Combinatorics) 


Math 180C (Stochastic Process)

Math 181B (Mathematical Statistics)

Math 185 (Computational Statistics)

Math Elective


What you guys think? I am aiming for 2-3 schools in top 15-20, and then some mid-tier PhD programs?





Since you don't want to go to a top 10 program, I don't think it matters. You have plenty of math. 


thanks @bayessays


do you have any other suggestions for me? What should I do over the summer? I am going to really nail hard the math 109 class to learn proofs Then the math 20E class I basically have already taken, it is just on some stuff in the later chapters of calculus 3. Do you by a chance recommend any texts or readings? 

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