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2020 Application Cycle


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Hi everyone! It's starting to get to that time of year where applications are beginning to close and admissions committees start deciding on the entirety of our future lives ?!! I am getting anxious and have been waiting for someone to start this thread, to no avail, so I decided heck with it, I'll start this! Good luck to everyone who is applying, may the force be with us all.


Undergrad Institution: (School or type of school, such as big state, lib arts, ivy, technical, foreign (what country?)... Overall Reputation in Biology?)
GPA in Major:
Overall GPA:
Position in Class: (No numbers needed, but are you top? near top? average? struggling?)
Type of Student: (Domestic/International, male/female, minority?)

GRE Scores (revised/old version):

TOEFL Total: (if applicable, otherwise delete this)

Research Experience: (At your school or elsewhere? What field? How much time? Any publications (Mth author out of N?) or conference talks etc...)

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: (Within your school or outside?)

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: (Such as tutor, TA, SPS officer etc...)

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Special Bonus Points: (Such as connections, grad classes, famous recommenders, female or minority status etc...)

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

Applying to Where:

School - Department - Research Interest
School - Department - Research Interest
School - Department - Research Interest

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey everyone,

This forum was a great resource for me last year, so I thought I would throw my info up in case it might help anyone still in the application process.

Last year was a frustrating one for me. I was accepted/fully funded for a PhD with the leading professor in my field of interest. Visited and hit it off pretty well with them and their research group, but shortly after my acceptance, they contacted me to tell mt that they were retiring sooner than expected and would not be able to see me through the degree. I had started pretty late in the application season last year, and was rejected from the majority of programs I applied to, but I was still surprised that I was accepted to my biggest "reach" and was either rejected or waitlisted from all the schools I considered safer bets.

Starting a bit earlier this year, but I was still contacting professors as of last week. A bit of advice to anyone thinking it may be too late for an inquiry email: you've got nothing to lose so  you may as well try. I've read a lot of advice online that you "shouldn't even THINK of reaching out after [insert date]", but I just added two more schools to my list after receiving enthusiastic replies from professors. You probably don't want to wait much longer, but see my above paragraph. I didn't contact a single POI or take the GRE until after thanksgiving last year and was still invited to two visit weekends and received a fully-funded offer. Keep your head up!

On that note, I'll say that if it doesn't pan out for you this time around, don't get too discouraged. This is a grueling process, especially when you're still in school. Even if you don't get accepted, it's still a valuable experience to go through applications and interviews, and you'll be better prepared and hopefully more relaxed when the next cycle comes around. 

Undergrad Institution: State school in the PNW, not a super well-known department but a solid curriculum.

Major(s): Geology

Minor(s): None

GPA in Major: 3.75

Overall GPA: 3.8

Position in Class: N/A

Type of Student: Domestic, non-traditional white male

GRE Scores:

Q: 161

V: 167

W: 4.5

Research Experience:

Undergraduate thesis focused on structural geology.

Volunteered as a field and lab assistant on an environmental biogeochemistry project after graduation last spring.

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Space Grant scholarship, handful of departmental awards and poster presentation awards.

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:

Currently working as a geologist for a large environmental firm.

Wildland firefighter for the past ~10 years (this seems to be a plus for a lot of my POIs).

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

I dropped out of my undergrad school after two terms when I was fresh out of high school. The horrible grades I received back then still show up on my transcript, but I haven't been overly concerned about it. It is annoying that my school doesn't allow you to clear those grades once a good amount of time elapsed, but c'est la vie.

Applying to Where:

Pittsburgh (PhD) - Earth and Planetary Sciences (Visited last Feb. but was not accepted due to lack of funding. POI strongly encouraged me to reapply this cycle.)

U. of Southern California (PhD) - Earth Sciences

Utah (PhD) - Geology

Old Dominion (PhD) - Oceanography

Boston College (PhD) - Earth Science

Arizona (Ms) - Geosciences

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone. I sure wish that I had paid closer attention to each school's specific process for submitting transcripts. Here I am anxiously awaiting for admissions and departmental offices to re-open after the holiday break so I can hopefully resolve a few things. After eight months of meticulous planning, correspondence, studying, and writing, here I find myself concerned about proper transcript submittals. Fortunately, most of my application files are likely fine. Considering that I have a wife and new baby along for the ride, I really hope for the luxury of having several programs to choose from. I'm very excited to return to academia. Best of luck to all of you as the next few excruciating months unfold!

Undergrad Institution: Large public university in southeastern US, respectable geology program.
Major(s): BS Geology
Overall GPA: 2.86 (Yes, I was distracted)
Type of Student: Male, White

Prior Graduate Institution: Mid-size public university in Texas, non-prestigious geoscience program.
Degree/Major: MS/Geology
Overall GPA: 3.68

GRE Scores:
Q: 154 
V: 165
W: 4.5

Research Experience: Master's thesis, quantitative paleobiology/biostratigraphy, not published. Undergraduate research assistantship, paleoclimatology. Post-graduate independent research, paleobiology/stratigraphy. One paper published (third author), two GSA technical talks, AAPG conference poster presentation

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  5 years as petroleum geologist with oil and gas exploration company, current title is Senior Geologist. 4 semesters as graduate teaching assistant.

Applying to Where:

UT Austin - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Stanford - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Penn State - Geosciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Texas A&M- Geology and Geophysics- Paleobiology/Paleoecology

University of Kansas - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

University of Chicago - Geophysical Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Ohio State - Earth Science - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Baylor- Geosciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

University of New Mexico - Earth and Planetary Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

University of Utah - Geology and Geophysics - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

University of Alabama - Geological Sciences - Paleobiology/Paleoecology

Edited by MattGeo1990
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  • 2 weeks later...

Undergrad Institution: medium-sized public school in Midwest; largest geological engineering program in U.S.
Major(s): B.S. Geological Engineering
GPA in Major: 4.0
Overall GPA: 3.66
Position in Class: Top
Type of Student: Domestic, Male

GRE Scores:
Q: 166
V: 162
W: 4.50

Research Experience: summer at Vanderbilt, academic year at Ivy, summer at Argonne Nat'l Lab, two academic years at undergrad institution, summer at Berkeley Nat'l Lab, currently working full-time for Berkeley Nat'l Lab; four oral presentations and eight poster presentations; publication for Berkeley Nat'l Lab in progress

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: several research recognitions, two external grants to fund my research at undergrad institution

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter: I went to an Ivy for two years, but I transferred because I wanted to do engineering. 

Applying to Where:

Stanford University - Earth System Science - Reactive Transport Modeling and Data Science

University of California, Berkeley - Civil and Environmental Engineering - Reactive Transport Modeling and Data Science

Colorado School of Mines - Hydrologic Science and Engineering - Hydrologic Modeling and High-performance Computing

University of Arizona - Hydrology - Hydrologic Modeling and Data Science


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Hi everyone! New here, but have been lurking for a while. I'm wondering what it means to be invited to a "visit weekend." The invites I have received (2) indicate that the admissions panel likes me (obviously) but are certainly not letters of admission. Are these weekends more like interviews or visits to convince me to attend or a combination of both? Any advice would be great :) 

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17 hours ago, spacerox said:

Hi everyone! New here, but have been lurking for a while. I'm wondering what it means to be invited to a "visit weekend." The invites I have received (2) indicate that the admissions panel likes me (obviously) but are certainly not letters of admission. Are these weekends more like interviews or visits to convince me to attend or a combination of both? Any advice would be great :)

Congrats on your invitations! I was invited to my program of choice and have the same questions. Also, I had to fill out a survey to confirm my attendance to the visit day and it had me fill out which faculty members I want to visit with, so I was wondering if I should also reach out to them separately or is that unnecessary because they will find out via the survey data?


Advice is greatly appreciated!

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On 1/14/2020 at 8:39 PM, spacerox said:

Hi everyone! New here, but have been lurking for a while. I'm wondering what it means to be invited to a "visit weekend." The invites I have received (2) indicate that the admissions panel likes me (obviously) but are certainly not letters of admission. Are these weekends more like interviews or visits to convince me to attend or a combination of both? Any advice would be great :)

@spacerox It is my understanding that the visit days lean more towards an interview style. If you are admitted, then departments often have a prospective students day (before the April 15 decision deadline), where they really try to convince you to come to their department.

Edited by Hydrobiogeochemist
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On 1/14/2020 at 6:39 PM, spacerox said:

Hi everyone! New here, but have been lurking for a while. I'm wondering what it means to be invited to a "visit weekend." The invites I have received (2) indicate that the admissions panel likes me (obviously) but are certainly not letters of admission. Are these weekends more like interviews or visits to convince me to attend or a combination of both? Any advice would be great :)

I just received my first invite of the season as well, and to one of my top choices! Hoping for more to come in the next few weeks! I actually can provide some insight as well, as I attended two visit weekends last year.

First of all, congratulations on the invites! These are very good indications that the departments who reviewed your applications are seriously considering admitting you. They will generally pay for your flight and expenses, which they wouldn't do if you weren't in the top tier of applicants. That said, you're right that an invitation is not a guarantee that you're in. Generally, departments will invite a larger number of prospective students than they are prepared to accept, on the assumption that everyone is talking with other schools and some percentage of students will choose other programs. Last year for example, I received a funded offer from one program I visited, but was on the waitlist at the other, and ultimately did not receive funding.

I think the most important thing to remember with these visits is that it's about the department selling itself to you, in addition to you selling yourself to the department. I'm sure we've all heard how much your grad school experience depends on your fit with your advisor, and for a lot of us, this will be the first spending any time with them in person. Be presentable, be professional, but let your personality and enthusiasm shine through as well. It's also super important to talk to current grad students: ask them what they like and don't like about the department, their advisor (especially if that's your PI), and the program in general.

On 1/15/2020 at 11:47 AM, KManleClimate said:

Congrats on your invitations! I was invited to my program of choice and have the same questions. Also, I had to fill out a survey to confirm my attendance to the visit day and it had me fill out which faculty members I want to visit with, so I was wondering if I should also reach out to them separately or is that unnecessary because they will find out via the survey data?


Advice is greatly appreciated!

I wouldn't worry too much about reaching out beforehand. I filled out similar surveys last year and definitely overthought it. If you have a professor (or professors) you've already been communicating with, they likely had a significant say in you receiving the invitation and will probably be expecting to meet with you anyway. It also seemed like my PI at one of the schools ultimately set up my schedule around having me meet faculty who were more likely to co-advise or whose labs frequently collaborated with their students.

23 hours ago, Hydrobiogeochemist said:

@spacerox It is my understanding that the visit days lean more towards an interview style. If you are admitted, then departments often have a prospective students day (before the April 15 decision deadline), where they really try to convince you to come to their department.

It definitely seems that different departments handle visits/interviews differently, with some bringing in a large number of prospective students all at once, and others preferring to extend individual invitations. I have only attended the former, but my first visit this year will be the latter. The group visits I attended were a mix of both one-on-one interviews with professors and group events like tours, dinners, and parties. It's a great opportunity to talk with your PI(s) and existing grad students, get a feel for the department's culture, and some rowdy nights out with fellow geoscientists. I'd agree that an individual visit will probably be a little more focused on the interview side, but schools compete for students just like we compete for schools, so I'm assuming there will be some salesmanship on their part as well (probably less partying though, which my liver will appreciate).


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  • 4 weeks later...

@EmmaJeanB I received an email from my POI at UT-Austin last week. It seems that they have made at least some decisions on TA positions. I also stopped by the UT Jackson School booth at a conference last week. They said that decisions would probably not come out until March. That's all I know. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haven't heard anything from Utah, my status on the app portal hasn't changed either. Do you mind me asking who your POI is there? Totally cool if not. I applied to work with Dr. Bowen but haven't tried reaching out to him since I submitted my app.

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On 2/21/2020 at 9:40 PM, gutbuckethero said:

Haven't heard anything from Utah, my status on the app portal hasn't changed either. Do you mind me asking who your POI is there? Totally cool if not. I applied to work with Dr. Bowen but haven't tried reaching out to him since I submitted my app.

Dr. Ritterbush is my POI at Utah. I called the graduate admissions office last week to see what stage of review my application was in. They said that the department had not sent my application to graduate admissions yet, meaning that it is still in the initial review stage.

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On 2/22/2020 at 8:38 AM, EmmaJeanB said:

I haven't heard from Ohio State since early December when my POI confirmed that the school received my GRE scores. 

Thanks for sharing the info. Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...

No solid reply from any universities I applied, except from my POI from Stanford.

Waiting for UNC, Rice, Umich, Maryland, UCSB

fingers crossed


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3 hours ago, Hornriver said:

No solid reply from any universities I applied, except from my POI from Stanford.

Waiting for UNC, Rice, Umich, Maryland, UCSB

fingers crossed


I haven’t heard anything either. I emailed my POI at OSU today,  just to ask when the department may send out decisions. Maybe slow  application season?

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Undergrad Institution: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Major(s): Geology (Geophysics concentration)
GPA in Major: 
Overall GPA: 3.60
Position in Class: 
Type of Student: Domestic

GRE Scores (revised/old version):
Q: 152
V: 157
W: 5.0

TOEFL Total: 

Research Experience: Senior thesis & State survey work

Awards/Honors/Recognitions: Certificate of undergraduate research, graduation with distinction

Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 

Any Miscellaneous Accomplishments that Might Help:

Special Bonus Points: 

Any Other Info That Shows Up On Your App and Might Matter:

Applying to Where:

University of Texas - Austin - Jackson Geosciences - Geomorph (Haven't heard back from)
Washington University in St. Louis - Earth and Planetary Sciences - Geomorph (Invited to a student weekend back in Feb., no offer since)
University of Idaho - Water Resources - Geomorph (Haven't heard back from)

Indiana University, at Bloomington - Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - Fluvial geomorph (Invited to student weekend in early march; accepted with a single semester fellowship)

New Mexico Tech - Earth and Environmental Science - Fluvial geomorph (Invited to student weekend in late Feb., accepted)


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How's everyone's application season going? I'm super stressed trying to decide between solid offers from my top 2 choices, which is way harder than it should be. I have a high-risk high-reward opportunity but I would have to live in LA, which is something I swore I would never do. On the other hand, I have a safer, more straightforward option in Virginia, and I know quality of life would be better. I'm trying to decide by Monday so I can free up a waitlist spot. First-world problems for sure, but man, I am a wreck right now.

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On 3/13/2020 at 3:44 PM, gutbuckethero said:

How's everyone's application season going? I'm super stressed trying to decide between solid offers from my top 2 choices, which is way harder than it should be. I have a high-risk high-reward opportunity but I would have to live in LA, which is something I swore I would never do. On the other hand, I have a safer, more straightforward option in Virginia, and I know quality of life would be better. I'm trying to decide by Monday so I can free up a waitlist spot. First-world problems for sure, but man, I am a wreck right now.

I recently accepted USC's offer for a PhD in geology. Tough decision between other schools, but seemed like it was the best fit for me. Sounds like you don't have any bad choices. Cheers!

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3 hours ago, ha.n said:

Applied to M.S. programs; was accepted into UNC - Chapel Hill (on March 6th) but still waiting on ASU and NCSU. Anyone else heard back from ASU or NCSU?

NCSU sent out some rejections (for PhD) this previous week, I was one of them. I’d think if you haven’t heard anything from them yet then you’re in a good running. Good luck!

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1 hour ago, EmmaJeanB said:

NCSU sent out some rejections (for PhD) this previous week, I was one of them. I’d think if you haven’t heard anything from them yet then you’re in a good running. Good luck!

Thanks for your response. Good luck with your remaining applications! I live right by Ohio State actually!

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On 3/20/2020 at 7:53 AM, kaypeekay said:

I recently accepted USC's offer for a PhD in geology. Tough decision between other schools, but seemed like it was the best fit for me. Sounds like you don't have any bad choices. Cheers!

Thought it over last week and decided I'm going to accept my offer from USC as well. Still a bit worried about living in LA on grad student salary, but the research opportunity was too good to pass up. Congrats to you and I'll see you in the fall (COVID-19 willing)!

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Guest Kim F.

Hopefully someone can answer but has anyone heard from UNC MSW 3 year program? I emailed the admissions office but no luck

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