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phone conversation request after admission offer

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I got an admission offer from one of my top schools.


Though I am really happy about this, I wanna make my final decision after I get my results from other schools so that I can choose the best option available for me.

Would the DGS or my POI be offended if I tell them that I need some time to make my final decision?

I am supposed to have a "brief phone conversation" with the DGS next week, and I really have no idea what to tell him.


One more thing, I am an international and I have no idea how this "brief phone conversation" thing works.

What will they ask or talk about? I've never had a phone conversation in English, so I am a little freaked out.


Thnx in advance.

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Declining the phone call would be weird, in my opinion. You should have it. They might press you for a decision, but that's where you can say something like, "I'm really excited about the prospect of attending X University, but there are at least two other programs I'd like to wait to hear from before making a decision." They'll understand. In the meantime, and given that information, it's a good time for you to ask about additional funding opportunities, be it fellowships or summer teaching. Ask questions about the program, the department, the culture, the city. This is your opportunity to make a great, real first impression and might lead to them extending to you an even better offer.

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Great advice by @syn, I would do the same. Also, the brief conversation is mostly going to be about your plans and how likely you are to accept the offer. Many schools try to pressurize students to take an early decision (even if that's going to be a no, so that they can send out more offers).

However, if you have received the offer letter, there is no need to shy away. You should tell them that you would like to make an informed decision and not hurry into it, and therefore, you are waiting to hear from XYZ schools. 

Like syn said, this might even get you a better offer if you are lucky, but there is definitely no harm, as long as you have official offer in your hand. 

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Just remember to relax ? Your written English is really good and I'm sure it's just as good over the phone! They just want to get to know you a bit, they will probably ask about your background as well as why you are interested in the program that you applied for. You can prepare for those questions. The rest is just a conversation, don't overthink it. I think the Korean expression is: 괜찮아..너무 걱정하지마 ?


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