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Is it even worth applying?


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I'm interested in applying to Clinical Psychology Ph.D programs, but I recognize that I unfortunately do not have much research experience. I have a strong CV, good letters of recommendations, a lot of clinical experience, and am working on making a strong personal statement. I was wondering if I have a chance if I apply to other Ph.D programs (Developmental Psychology, Counseling Psychology)? The lack of research is really what's stopping me ? I've only taken experimental classes during my undergraduate years and have presented my work/poster at conferences. 

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How many posters do you have and how many years of research in undergrad? Counseling psych and clinical psych programs are not that all that different in terms of their competitiveness.  Development Psychology programs are purely research oriented degrees. You would not be able to get a clinical license after completing one. Because of that, I think they may be slightly less competitive, but again, they are research only so I'm assuming they would still want a pretty strong research background. Is it possible for you to get an RA position or volunteer in a lab for a year to gain more experience?

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Unfortunately only one poster and one year of research in undergrad -and two conference presentations. It is possible! I was looking at getting an RA position and gaining more experience before even really thinking of applying. I wonder how COVID might impact this though...

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Depending on the nature of the research, COVID may not completely ruin things (online/telehealth based stuff). If you have the funds, it wouldn't hurt to apply this round, but I would definitely try to find an RA position for 1-2 years, which should really make you more competitive after the fact. 

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