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Providing scores to programs that have "optional" GRE


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So, it seems like loads of programs have waived the GRE requirements this year - which is definitely positive given what I've seen about trying to take the exam this year!

But a few that I've seen say that you can optionally submit GRE scores, and I'm not sure if it's going to be something that helps an application or not. 

I'm an international student (from the UK) and my GRE scores are 166V, 155Q. I'm wondering if submitting these would be helpful or it's not worth doing? 

I can see that it might be good to show that, as an international student, I have some familiarity with the North American system but my scores aren't super-high so I feel like it might not actually be that helpful!!

Any thoughts welcome and appreciated! ?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've been trying to get an answer to a similar question, without luck.

In your case, if you're applying for sociology, I would say that you should submit them. The verbal score is very good and that's much more important in sociology than quant skills.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion those are strong enough scores to make it worth submitting to optional schools (esp if your W score is 4.5+). You went to the trouble of taking it and you never know what might help the committee make a decision in your favor. At any rate, they will definitely not hurt you so I think if you submit them you won't regret it but if you don't, you might wonder what if? Though the expense is unfortunate and maybe not worth it depending on your personal situation.

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