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Reapplying to Graduate School after rejection - Is it worth it?


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I applied to one graduate program for the fall of 2020 and was rejected from the program. Considering how everything turned out, I am not that upset but I want to reapply to the same program.

I want to get into Hunter's OYR program for Fall 2021. I work as a program manager for a social services agency and have actively volunteered with social service agencies since the pandemic started. I have a lot more experience this year and have a lot more volunteer experience. I have strong letters of recommendation and I know Hunter has an excellent program, but I am afraid that I will get rejected again. 

I had an interview for the OYR program but choked in the interview and I believe that is why I did not get accepted. My application is stronger and I have different references for this coming year but will Hunter reject me because they rejected me once or can I know that I will be given a fair shot?

This time around I am applying to 6 programs, not just Hunter, but I do want to go if I get accepted.

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