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Disclosures in applications?


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It's a little early in the season to be asking this, but does anyone have any insight on disclosing disabilities in any of those check-the-box parts of an app? I have a condition that I don't mind disclosing for the purposes of a program's general data collection but it doesn't really affect my philosophical work (nor is it related to the work I hope to do). 

This is incoherent but anyway! Insight would be appreciated. 

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My question to you is what do you hope to change/effect by disclosing it? Your PS is about the only place that this would fit and I'd keep it short and simple. Again, address why you're bringing it up. As someone that worked in admissions for religious studies departments though, if it doesn't impact your abilities and it's not directly pertinent to your research, we saw it as the applicant trying to milk pity points.

If it's something you need accommodations for, most universities don't allow, or discourage, students from going to professors directly. Your location says Ontario so I can't speak to Canada specifically.

Edited by xypathos
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