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Carnegie Mellon Deadline

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Is it only me who was misguided but Carnegie Mellon recently changed their deadline of application? I made a google sheet of all the universities along with their deadlines about a month ago, and came back yesterday after the final exams.  Back then Carnegie Mellon listed their deadline as December 18, I checked their website last night and their deadline was Dec 1, which fortunately was moved to Dec 4 because of a system outage. I submitted the application in rush as I had most of the materials ready but I do not know when my references will submit the letters. Their website says that the letters need to be processed by the deadline. 

I just wanted to check here if I misread the deadline last month or was it moved half way through November. If it was changed, I wanted to email them and ask if they can extend the deadline for my letters for a week. But I do not want to embarass myself if the deadline has always been Dec 1. 

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CMU has some old website application pages still up with links that refer to December 18th without mentioning a year - this link is probably what you saw.



I think I was confused by this same thing last year, but last year their deadline was also the 1st I believe.  I would just email and explain and see what they say. A few days late for letters usually isn't the end of the world.

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Yeah, I was surprised. CMU has always been my dream school and I probably checked more than 10 times until first week of November. But I did not check after that until this week due to final exams. I emailed them and the admission officer asked me to have the letters emailed to them rather than upload it on the portal. I could totally have misread but I wanted to check if anyone else noticed that as well. If it was the case, we will probably have some more people expressing that concern here as Dec 18 approaches.

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It's also possible they will accept your reference letters/SOP over email, cash your check for the application fee, and never read your application (it happened to me). They then got very rude when I pointed out they had made a mistake. (CMU waitlisted me, one of the only stat depts that didn't accept me).

So, be very very clear over email. And, if you see a bunch of acceptances go out and you haven't heard anything, email them ASAP. 

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