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Junior Undergrad - What are my chances?


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Grad school chances?

So I’m stressing over grad school.

I’m currently finishing up my junior year of undergrad. I desperately want to go to grad school for audiology, however I feel like I have lower stats.

A little backstory:

I’m technically a fourth year in undergrad but I changed my major to Speech Language Hearing sciences my second year. My first year I was a biology major that took on too many hard classes and did pretty poorly and ended the year with a 2.75. My freshman year was the first time I moved far away from home, both of my grandparents passed away, and I was in an extremely toxic relationship (even though I could’ve gotten out of that much sooner I just couldn’t for whatever reason).

Move forward to my second year I came to terms I wasn’t happy but knew I wanted to do something in healthcare. I love ASL and decided to go the SLP/ Audiology route. The director of the SLHS program at my school advised me that even though I can finish college on track, it’s better if I do an extra year to improve my GPA. I’m currently at a cumulative 3.4 GPA and it’s looking like I’m finishing this semester with a GPA of a 3.6 so hopefully that pushes my cumulative up a little more. I have a 3.9 major GPA as well. 

I’m very involved
- I was the Vice President of housing for my sorority 
- a year later became the Vice President of my sorority 
- I’m a tour guide and became the Vice President of training for the organization 
- I’m active in NSSLHA
- and my school has a FETCH lab that I try to observe in (pre covid)
- I work at a Grocery store also 

I go to the University of Cincinnati and I love this school so much that I would love to return for grad school and get a certificate in animal audiology (UC’s specialty). Is it true that it’s harder to get into grad school where you went to undergrad in? Any advice? I hope to get my GPA up to a 3.6 by the time I apply to schools and also I hope to get my GPA up.

Is there hope for me lol

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I think there’s a lot of hope for you especially since your manor GPA is so high. Don’t sell yourself short. But I’ve heard it’s harder to get into the school you did your undergraduate in too. Idk how true that is though.

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