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I Submitted my application back in Feb and got a confirmation it was sent for review on the 19th. In that e-mail they said decisions usually take 6-8 weeks.... still nothing though. It’s the last school I have to hear from, it’s my top choice, but I’m pretty sure it’ll be a rejection. I’m still desperate to know!! 

I don’t know if it’s appropriate to ask admissions if decisions are backed up or what? As I said, I am just dying to know. 

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4 hours ago, collegegirl123 said:

@MollyM did you do an interview? and I think it's perfectly reasonable to ask! Like you, this is my last school I'm waiting to hear back from!! 

No I didn’t get an interview, that’s why I am fairly certain it’ll be a rejection. I’m planning on calling tomorrow.

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On 4/15/2021 at 9:21 PM, collegegirl123 said:

@MollyM Let me know what they say! 

Just called this morning and was told the department hasn’t released/finished making decisions yet. I asked if there was any expected timeline for decisions and was told no..... ugh!! But also exciting (that there’s still a chance). 

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