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Letters of Recommendation

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Step 1

You’re a CSD Undergraduate Student reading this 1-3 years before you apply, and you know it is never too early to start thinking about who to ask for recommendation letters. If you’re planning on applying this year, skip to step #2.

As you attend CSD courses, you’ll want to make sure to develop close professional relationships with your professors. At most larger universities, you’ll notice that the tenured research MS-SLP professors rarely teach undergraduate classes.

If you can, enroll in courses taught by professors in the program. If this is not possible, a way to ensure that you’ll have developed a relationship with one or two CSD professors by the time you graduate is by asking your other instructors if they’re involved with research.

Hear me out: from personal experience, instructors and lecturers are usually master’s or doctoral students that are involved with research themselves. They can let you know about openings in labs and put in a good word for you as well.

I was able to enroll in a lab for credit because one of my instructors is a doctoral student and co-leader on a research project!

You'll want to make sure that your recommendations come from professors who have had a chance to get to know you in a variety of academic settings.

In addition to seeking out research opportunities, make sure that you make your presence known in classes. If you're a wallflower like me, this might mean that you need to put yourself out there a bit more than you're used to:

  • visit your professor's office hours regularly
  • ask about professional organizations your professor is involved with
  • join student organizations that your professors are staff advisors for
  • ask about your professors career trajectory: what steps did they take to get to where they are?
  • ask about funding opportunities or scholarships that might be available to you
  • this might be cliche, but ask about your professor's research: I'm sure they'd love to talk to you about it. Before you ask, read up on past projects they've been involved in. (You can usually find this information on google or your university's website)
  • offer to be a note-taker for students with disabilities in your class
  • be a leader and contribute in group work
  • send quality and professional emails

Worried that you need to be doing more, or want to know more about what your professors want to see from you? Ask them about it! Feel free to use this example email, but modify it to fit your voice and your particular circumstances.


Subject: CSD 100 (or whatever class) introduction and questions about participation

Hello Dr. ________________,  

My name is ___________________, and I will be your student in ______(class)_____ this semester. I have read through the syllabus, gone over the course schedule, and have started looking through the book and canvas materials. I am very excited to dive into learning and discussion in this class, and wanted to express to you my interest in going above and beyond in my work this semester.  

I will be applying for graduate schools in Speech-Language Pathology starting in ___________________. My undergraduate degree was in ___________________, and I graduated __________ years ago with a __________ GPA. While I was a highly motivated student even then, it has been so long that I do not believe that my professors from that program would be able to write me a strong letter of support as I begin sending in applications to graduate institutions. I would like to express that I hope to demonstrate the qualities of a high-quality graduate student in your class, so that you would feel comfortable writing a recommendation letter on my behalf when the time comes around. I know that it is a highly personal decision for professors as to whether or not they are willing to provide strong recommendations to students and under which circumstances, so I wanted to pick your brain a bit.I know that you receive quite a few emails at the start of the semester, so I understand if this is low priority.    

If you have time, would you mind detailing the qualities and activities that you look for in a student that you would recommend for graduate admission? I fully intend to submit high-quality work, study effectively, attend and contribute to lectures, and come to office hours with questions and relevant topics. Beyond this, is there anything specific that I could add or contribute so that you can get to know me and my work on a deeper level this semester? Will you be advising any clubs or student organizations, or conducting research projects that I could volunteer on?  


Thank you for your time, and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!  

- __________________



The professors' perspectives:


Most, if not all, professors receive requests from students for letters of recommendation. It's generally considered to be one of the responsibilities of a tenured professor, though it is less important than service and research requirements. That being said, whether or not they'll write a letter for a particular student is a personal choice. They might write a letter for one student but not for another, even if they were in the same class and got the same grade. Some professors will write you a letter if you only took one of their classes, but you'd have to *really* stand out in that class. Others won't write you a letter at all if they weren't able to observe your development as a student over the course of multiple semesters.


If you check out r/professors over at https://www.reddit.com/r/professors and search "letters of recommendation," there are quite a few professors that state that they look at the student's motivation in their classes, whether or not they participated in extracurricular work, whether they went to office hours, whether or not they had high quality contributions to add to the class, etc. Even if you do all of that, some professors will flat out refuse to write letters for any student who receives less than a certain grade or is in only one of their classes. It will depend on the professor's personal preference.


If they refuse, or say they don't know you well enough to recommend you, this is to your benefit. It is usually not a reflection on you, but on their ability to provide a strong recommendation for you. Refusal sometimes means that they just think you'd be better off getting a stronger letter elsewhere.



What's the difference between a strong letter and a weak letter, and why should I care?


What does a strong letter look like?


To whom it may concern,

I am delighted to write a letter of support on behalf of Example Student for admission to your graduate degree program. Example Student was an active member of Student Organization, which provided this service to this population. As the advisor for this club, I witnessed Example Student exemplify the tenets of service, equity, and inclusion on a daily basis. They excelled in their collaboration with members of the organization, providing high quality ideas and a desire to implement them effectively. Their peers and other advisors often commended Example Student for their collaborative nature and innovative ideas.E

Example student is very goal oriented, and seeks out ways to help others with a nuanced understanding of how their background influences perceptions of challenges that they face. For example, when met with Example Challenge, Example Student rose to the occasion by doing this really great thing. The effect of their intervention was that the member of the population served excelled in meeting the challenges that Example Student assisted with. Their experiences with challenges in their own life played into their service, as they could relate more closely to overcoming difficult circumstances. Example Student worked full-time throughout their involvement in my courses and in Example Organization, due to this circumstance in their life. I watched with pride as they were able to leverage those experiences, which in turn led to introspective and empathetic service for members of the disadvantaged community that we serve.

In class, Example Student went above and beyond in all capacities: they advocated for clients, wrote some of the highest quality work of the semester, and even assisted other students in their study of the material. Example Student volunteered to be a note taker for a student with disabilities in one of my courses, which further demonstrates their commitment to equity and inclusion, as well as a determination to serve people with disabilities humbly and in a culturally sensitive manner. I believe that Example Student will be successful wherever they go, and in whatever capacity they intend to serve in. I have personally witnessed their strength of character and studious nature, so I am able to recommend Example Student for admission to your program without reservation.


Dr. Professor


What does a weak letter look like?


Example Student was a member of my Intro 100 class during the Fall semester of the 2020-2021 school year. Example Student received the grade of A- in the course. Example Student satisfactorily completed all of their work in the class during the short time I knew them. I recommend Example Student for admission to your graduate program.


Each graduate program will place different weight on letters of recommendation, but it is well within the realm of possibility that a strong vs. a weak letter could spell the difference between an acceptance and a rejection from your program of choice.



Step 2

You’re 3-6 months out from your deadline and it’s time to select a concrete list of recommenders.


Most programs will ask for 2-3 letters, and most will also require that 1-2 of those letters come from professors, with priority placed on letters from professors of CSD courses. Think about it this way: academia is a small world, and most professors will have built relationships with colleagues at different universities. That trust in their peers' work will transfer to trust in their recommendations for graduate school applicants. From hours and hours of research from multiple forums and talks with professors, here’s your game plan:


  • 3 letters from professors, **OR** 
  • 2 letters from professors and 1 from an SLP that you’ve shadowed or worked with closely **OR** 
  • 2 letters from professors and 1 from a supervisor for a related work experience or extensive volunteer experience


This could vary, depending on the programs you're applying to, but it would be a good place to start. You’ll want to ask professors that you’ve built long-term professional relationships with, and it’s preferable that you have at least 1 professor that can speak to your research skills.



Step 3

You’re still about 3-6 months out from the deadline. You have a list of recommenders, so now you need to decide which aspect of your background you want your recommenders to speak on. Then, you’ll be ready for the most important part: popping the question.


Most programs want to see you as a well-rounded individual, so your letters should encompass the following characteristics:


  • unique contributions that you’ll make to the incoming class
  • academic ability
  • communicative ability
  • level of professionalism
  • analytical skills
  • research experience
  • cultural competency
  • flexibility
  • resourcefulness
  • self-reflection
  • clinical competence
  • ethical behavior
  • social and emotional awareness
  • growth mindset


For each of your recommenders, choose 1-3 points that you’d like them to speak on, specifically. It’s better to have detailed letters with specific stories and insights than a short, broad or general recommendation.


There’s conflicting information about how to ask for a recommendation, especially in the era of Covid-19. Usually, you would ask in person, but it is just as acceptable to ask via email or phone. In fact, it’s highly likely that if you ask in person, busy professors will also ask that you email them formally so that they have your request in writing to refer to.


Whichever method you decide, here is a template from which you can craft your request. Be sure to tailor your own request to the specific points that you’d like your recommender to attest to in their letter.


Subject: Letter of Recommendation Request  

Hello Dr. _________________,  

I'm reaching out to ask you if you would be able to provide a recommendation as I apply to graduate programs in Speech Language Pathology. Most of my applications are due around ______(range of dates)______, with the soonest being ____(date)_______. I know that this time of year can be especially busy, so please don't feel obligated to say yes.  

It has been an honor to get to know you during my time in ________________. You are one of the reasons that I became interested in Speech Pathology, and at this point I can't imagine a different path for my future. I know that the skills that I've refined during my time in ______________ will be very beneficial to my application, and I know that you would be the best person to attest to my academic and research abilities.  

I will provide copies of my resume, unofficial transcript, and any other information that you might find useful, should you choose to accept. I would be more than happy to meet with you at your convenience regarding this letter or my overall application. I look forward to hearing from you.



- _________________



Step 4

You’re 2-3 months out from your application deadline. Your recommenders have accepted your request, and now you need to create packets for them.


In each packet, you’ll need to have:


  • A cover letter thanking your recommender for taking the time to speak on your behalf. This introduction should include: the date of the deadline(s), the school(s) you’ll be applying to, the points that you’d like them to speak on, and reminders of specific interactions that you’ve had with this individual that could inform their letter.
  • If this is a professor and you are not enrolled in one of their courses this semester, include examples of work that you’ve completed in their class.
  • A copy of your unofficial transcript
  • A copy of your resume


Here's an example packet that you can use!


Step 5

You’ve been accepted! Or, you’ll try again next year. There’s no shame in coming back for a second round of applications! Either way, you’ll need to thank your recommenders for their time. Some out there would advise that you send a small thank you when the letters have been submitted, and a larger thank you when you can report on how your application fared.


Honestly, the most important advice I can give you is to make this personal. Writing a letter of recommendation can be incredibly time consuming, and your recommenders deserve to know how important it was to you that they took this time for you. Some ideas for your thank you include:


  • Handwriting a thank-you card
  • You’ll have developed a relationship with your recommender, so you could include their favorite candy or a small gift card for their favorite coffee, drink, or store.


For ethical reasons, professors will absolutely not be comfortable with a large or extravagant gift. Keep it small, just as a token of your appreciation.

Edited by jomyers.online
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