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Bioengineering/Biomedical Engineering Fall 2022 Admission Results


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Hi All!

Me again :) I opened the same thread last year and ended up not applying since I decided to dedicate more time for research. 

Applications season is coming up and I would love to know which programs/schools you're considering and what are your stats. 


Here's the template:


Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): 



GPA in Major: x.xx/4.00

Overall GPA: x.xx/4.00



GRE Scores:

Q: xxx (xx%)

V: xxx (xx%)

W: x.x (xx%)




Research Experience: 








Pertinent Activities or Jobs: 


Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments:


Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.):


Research Interests:





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Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): Undergrad: Tel Aviv University, Israel Grad: Columbia University

Major(s): Biomedical Engineering

Minor(s): N/A

GPA in Major: 3.8/4.00

Overall GPA: 3.2/4.00

MS GPA: 3.4/4.00

Demographics/Background: White female, International student, First Gen, Women in Engineering, Mom :)


GRE Scores: Not great, hoping most of the programs will not require


LOR: 1 from Columbia University previous PI (vice president bioengineering), 1 from current PI at Mount Sinai, 1 from undergrad PI


Research Experience: Undergrad - almost two years. 3 years industry experience (research), grad school thesis in biomaterials

Associate Researcher at Mount Sinai School of Medicine for one year - Metabolism and diabetes


Publications/Abstracts/Presentations: 1 oral presentation, 1 conference, 1 pending review paper, 1 pending first-author paper


Awards/Honors/Recognitions:  none


Fellowships/Funding: none


Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  Summer internship, 3 years as a project manager at a biomed startup


Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments: GRADSWE vice president


Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.): reached out to several PI - interviewed with two (positive)


Research Interests: Tissue and cell engineering


Institutions/Programs: so far considering: (all biomed)

Rockefeller University






Columbia University 

Edited by Bioenglover
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  • 1 month later...

HiiII, Thank you for creating the thread.  I am also international, so definitely wish to start early as well. Honest (brutal) feedbacks are appreciated! 

Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): Top5 Engineering in the USA 

Major(s): Bioengineering

Minor(s): N/A

GPA in Major: 3.85/4.00

Overall GPA: 3.85/4.00


Demographics/Background: Asian/Female

GRE Scores: good enough

LOR: 2 from undergraduate research PIs, and 1 from industry research boss (who has previously been a faculty at one of the schools I wish to apply) 

Research Experience: Undergrad - almost 3 years at two different labs: studies cancer and the other microbial metabolic engineering.  6 months industry experience in clinical sciences, currently working on individual honors thesis.  

Publications/Abstracts/Presentations: 1 publication (4th author), and 1 oral presentation 

Awards/Honors/Recognitions:  Nothing major

Fellowships/Funding: none

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  2 summer internship at a mid-cap biotech company in research position 

Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments: Honor societies etc 

Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.): Recommenders are well-connected and know some of the PIs that I am interested in working with. But does it really help? ?

Research Interests: Synthetic biology

Institutions/Programs: so far considering: (all BioE) MIT, Harvard, Berkeley-UCSF, Caltech, Stanford, UPenn, BU, UW, UChicago, Johns Hopkins

Am I being too ambitious/optimistic? Thanks! 

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  • 1 month later...

Posting this on behalf of a friend in my program; if you're interested in applying to MIT BE definitely check it out!

"Considering applying to MIT's Biological Engineering PhD program or even just considering a PhD in BE / BIOE? Join the MIT Biological Engineering Application Assistance Program on Thursday, Oct. 21st, from 11 AM – 12:30 PM EST to hear from current students about the program and get your questions answered! The webinar is anonymous and is open to all, even those who may not need one-on-one mentorship through the BEAAP program. Please register at https://mit.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8EUayfQFTNCsh0PgdBgbRAand add questions & upvote questions you have on the webinar Slido (https://app.sli.do/event/fcd7b6uy) anytime between Friday, Oct. 15th, and the webinar. Contact beaap-webinars@mit.edu with any questions!"

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  • 1 month later...

Also an international student

Undergrad Institution: Univ Wisconsin Madison

Major(s): Chemical Engineering

Minor(s): Biology

GPA in Major: 3.5/4.00

Overall GPA: 3.6/4.00

Grad Institution (masters): Top BME program

Grad Major: BME

MS GPA: 3.91

Demographics/Background: Indian/Male

LOR: 1 from undergrad PI, 1 from grad PI, one from internship boss, 2 others from from professors I have done research projects with

Research Experience: Undergrad - 2 years at wet-lab.  3 month data science research internship, 1.5 years computational biology research during masters

Publications/Abstracts/Presentations: 1 publication (middle author), 1 preprint (first author), 1 first author in prog, 2 middle author in prog. 1 national conference presentation, many in house presentations  

Awards/Honors/Recognitions:  Nothing

Fellowships/Funding: none

Pertinent Activities or Jobs:  1 summer internship at a biotech startup

Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments: 

Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.):  

Research Interests: cancer sys bio

Institutions/Programs: so far considering:  MIT, Harvard, Stanford, MEMP 


Edited by pls_take_me
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  • 3 weeks later...


On 12/23/2021 at 5:11 PM, sincerely_anxious said:

Anyone heard back from Caltech? I think we are supposed to be getting emails about interviews around this time.

Yeah I heard back from caltech bioengineering around 12/21 ish for a virtual interview

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Has anyone heard from the UCSB BMSE (biomolecular science and engineering) program? Deadline was Dec 15th but haven't heard anything since then and they didn't respond to my email asking if interview invitations had been sent out. 


Undergrad Institution (approx. rank/reputation in STEM): Oxford

Major(s): Biochemistry (Molecular and Cellular)

Minor(s): NA

GPA in Major: 3.5/4.00 approx

Overall GPA: same ^

Demographics/Background:  international, asian, lgbt etc 


GRE Scores: Did not take


LOR: 1 from Masters project PI, 1 from a short undergrad summer internship


Research Experience: Um... see above. Very little


Publications/Abstracts/Presentations/Awards/Honors/Recognitions/Fellowships/Funding: Basically none, except some funding from my college (St Hilda's) for part of my undergrad/grad projects (see above)


Pertinent Activities or Jobs: Also none, to be honest - none directly related to hands-on research 


Other Miscellaneous Accomplishments: Literally irrelevant


Anything else in your application that might matter (faculty connections, etc.): PI for my masters project is a famous biophysicist, but I have no connections within specific US university faculties. 


Research Interests: Bioengineering, biomolecular/cell biology (kind of straddling both)


Institutions/Programs: UCSB, UCSD + SDSU joint program, USC 


Comments: :(

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3 hours ago, sincerely_anxious said:

Anyone know what the post interview acceptance rate is like for JHU BME?

Apparently it varies by year according to this: https://bme.phd.council.students.jh.edu/?page_id=158. Also apparently the interview is kinda challenging ?

On 1/12/2022 at 5:21 PM, fionaapplebottomjeans said:

I just heard back from UC Berkeley-UCSF's joint BioE PhD program! The virtual visit days are 2/10-2/11 and 2/24-2/25. 

Has anyone heard back from Johns Hopkins, Stanford, Harvard, BU, Northeastern, UCSD, UVA, or UW yet?

Hopkins sent out interview invites earlier today, they have 3 interviews from faculty they choose based on your research interests who you schedule with separately, virtual visit days are 1/20 and 1/22 and interviews have to be completed by the 2/4.

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1 hour ago, qq2 said:

Apparently it varies by year according to this: https://bme.phd.council.students.jh.edu/?page_id=158. Also apparently the interview is kinda challenging ?

Hopkins sent out interview invites earlier today, they have 3 interviews from faculty they choose based on your research interests who you schedule with separately, virtual visit days are 1/20 and 1/22 and interviews have to be completed by the 2/4.

Thanks for letting me know ? btw, were all the profs who are interviewing you relevant to your research interests/background? Only one of mine is. The other two seem totally random which is weirding me out. 

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26 minutes ago, sincerely_anxious said:

Thanks for letting me know ? btw, were all the profs who are interviewing you relevant to your research interests/background? Only one of mine is. The other two seem totally random which is weirding me out. 

Just messaged you!

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7 hours ago, sincerely_anxious said:

Thanks for letting me know ? btw, were all the profs who are interviewing you relevant to your research interests/background? Only one of mine is. The other two seem totally random which is weirding me out. 

Got the JHU interview as well, and one of my interviewers is also totally random! 2/3 were listed in my SOP, but my last interviewer has nothing to do with my specialization. Maybe they are trying to get a more balanced perspective by introducing reviewers unrelated to our research interests?

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10 hours ago, fionaapplebottomjeans said:

Got the JHU interview as well, and one of my interviewers is also totally random! 2/3 were listed in my SOP, but my last interviewer has nothing to do with my specialization. Maybe they are trying to get a more balanced perspective by introducing reviewers unrelated to our research interests?

I was wondering the same! Seems like many people are getting interviewers unrelated to their background. Thanks for letting me know, and good luck!

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