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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Are there any Norway applicants who have gotten acceptance letters? So far it seems like there are a lot of alternates and a very few accepted & rejected.

I know me and the rest of the alternates on this thread would really appreciate a rough count of those accepted.


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I am also in the Midwest. I would only start worrying if we don't get something tomorrow. Tuesday to Monday is not that strange for some mail routes here.

I guess it's also possible there was more than on batch, but that would be unusual.

Alrighty. I'm crossing my fingers with you on this. If I don't get anything tomorrow, I will call Rachel on Tuesday.

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However, I'm wondering what will become of Egypt's Fulbright portion. They receive so many, and I didn't know if the previous warnings had straight been lifted, or what they had in mind. Thankfully new AUC campus is outside of Cairo now; it was my understanding the old campus was straight downtown near Medan Tahrir. I am thinking if they aren't sending some does that mean other nations will end up with more?

Oh my goodness, reading that someone had heard about Bahrain got me so excited... and then my hopes were dashed again when I realized it was just a mistake :) Glad to see fellow MENA'ers talking again here, makes me feel less alone!

Thought I'd chime in on the Egypt issue, I applied for a full grant. The last time I talked to Jermaine he said next year's program was up in the air, but at that time this year's Fulbright was still suspended. But current Fulbrighters were allowed to re-enter the country and resume their grants at the end of March. I also know the Fulbright Egypt commission has moved forward on their selection process, although no one knows when the "government research clearance" might go through.

So I think these are all positive signs. Earlier Jermaine had said applicants who are offered a grant to Egypt might be given the option of going to a different country if the unrest continues, but I imagine that only works for ETA grantees ... my research topic is totally site-specific, no way I could go anywhere else to do it :(

I'm sending my monthly email to Jermaine this week, I'll let you all know what he says!

Edited by Ranita
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HI everybody! I just found this forum. Any other ETA Turkey finalists out there? Also does anybody know if we can see how many applications each country received this year?

Hi bermet,

I am a Turkey ETA finalist but it´ll be a while before we hear anything.

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Thanks for checking! Is this for both ETA and Full grants?

I'm not sure. I didn't want to push my luck. The trend seems to be ETAs first, followed by full grants. I'm not sure that this is always the case, though. Best of luck to all Bangladeshers!

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Thanks Nebu. Perhaps that means that the rest of the Central/South Asia notices are going out too.

I'm thinking so. Although some India applicants found out a few weeks back. It seems that IIE was just waiting on budget stuff before sending out notifications.

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Hi there.

For those that have found out (specifically New York folk) who are you all going through in order to get the health forms done? I'm not from New York, so my physician is not here. Have no idea the avenues through which I can get these things done. I know there are health departments around the city, but do they take insurance for the various tests we have to get done?

Any help would be AWESOME.

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I just wanted to let everyone who is going crazy waiting for their letters that I received mine in the mail today. I will be researching in Madrid, Spain!!!!

So yes, some of the Spain full grant letters have been mailed! Good luck to everyone.

Now, to find a roommate! :rolleyes:

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I just wanted to let everyone who is going crazy waiting for their letters that I received mine in the mail today. I will be researching in Madrid, Spain!!!!

So yes, some of the Spain full grant letters have been mailed! Good luck to everyone.

Now, to find a roommate! :rolleyes:

Congratulations on getting the Full Grant to Spain. I am a finalist for the ETA in Spain, and with you getting a letter today, I will be checking my mail incessantly until my letter comes! Best of luck in Madrid :)

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I just received yet another e-mail notifying me that IIE has not received my official transcript - the second transcript I had ordered for them. WTF is going on with the IIE mailroom?

I've been told that they already have my decision. At this point, no transcript = no notification. I'm about to go "Incredible Hulk" on someone...

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I just received yet another e-mail notifying me that IIE has not received my official transcript - the second transcript I had ordered for them. WTF is going on with the IIE mailroom?

I've been told that they already have my decision. At this point, no transcript = no notification. I'm about to go "Incredible Hulk" on someone...

Mail it yourself with some sort of delivery notification (e.g., delivery confirmation, return receipt requested). It costs more, but then you can at least be sure that it showed up and that they have it. :-]

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Congrats! I'm waiting on Spain ETA as well!

Congratulations on getting the Full Grant to Spain. I am a finalist for the ETA in Spain, and with you getting a letter today, I will be checking my mail incessantly until my letter comes! Best of luck in Madrid :)

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Just received an email from Jermaine Jones. He said that notifications will be sent out toward the end of the week for "most" candidates, whatever that means

Can you say scarystress 5 times fast?!! I knew it! What did I tell you FryGuy? Definitely around the 18th.

Time to bug out lol

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