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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Congratulations! I received my respose yesterday too- unfortunately it was the other kind of envelope. It was an unhappy surprise, but at least I can get on with my life. Enjoy the geothermal baths and 24 hours of darkness for me!

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I thought of that too, nakasa! i'm also waiting for sub-saharan africa! i think i need to stop analyzing the spreadsheet...

haha, yeah! my mind is going overtime trying to figure this out, and what i've come up with is that some combination of the following is happening:

a) accepted/alternates have been informed and rejected people haven't

B) it's just coincidence that everyone on the spreadsheet has been accepted/made an alternate

c) my university mail system is really slow

it could be any one (or combo) of these things, so in conclusion i have no idea. so helpful, i know :)

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Rejected for Morocco ETA. :(

Post marked April 15, little white envelope. Permanent address, received 19 April. Not going to lie, I'm very disappointed, but feel a strange overwhelming sense of relief knowing I can now move onto plan B... whatever that may be, haha. Good luck to you all, and thanks for all the support!!

I'm sorry to hear this! Despite this, just know that making the finalist round for a Fulbright means you are still in the top tier of candidates and that it speaks highly for your academic and extracurricular record! Don't forget that!

Is grad school plan B?

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Fulbright Fellows to Europe and surrounding countries surrounding Europe:

I have created a facebook group, entitled Traveling Fulbright Fellows: Europe 2011-2012, on the basis of current (2011-2012) European Fulbright Fellows to have a way of staying with or at least contacting other Fulbright Fellows while traveling abroad. There are plenty of sites where people allow people to crash on their couch and in-return they get to crash on other peoples while traveling. Given the uniqueness of the Fulbright, we'll have fellows in just about every country in the world and in most major cities. People in the group will put on a document (on the facebook page) where they will be staying and the best way to contact them. Then when a person would like to travel to their city, they can contact them to see if they are okay with them staying. There will need to be ground rules set-up to avoid any unpleasant situations. This will also be great in case you run into some emergency while traveling, you'll have someone to contact. Current Rules: 1) Only 2011-2012 Fulbright Fellows are allowed to join/use this group 2) I'd like to set-up admins to each country to invite/accept other fellows to their country. 3) You must put your place up for use if you want to join (if you are living in a place like a dorm that won't allow it then post that on the doc and offer to show people around in your city). 4) Send me advice in how to make this a great forum.

If you'd like to join, please just send a request to join and your username on the Spreadsheet so I can check to make sure we don't have non-fulbrighter joining (at least to the best of my ability). Update the doc on the facebook page with your info asap after joining because I intend to kick people out by the time the program starts who have not entered in their info. This is suppose to be mutually beneficial for everyone so you must be willing to open your doors or at least your time to traveling Fulbrighters to your city. Again there will be ground rules to make sure nobody is put into an uncomfortable position.

I just looked for this group on Facebook and couldn't find it. Is it searchable?

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Hey All,

I applied to Hong Kong for a full grant with nutrition biochemical research. Won't find out until end of April/early May.

In addition to my interests in the sciences, I am very passionate about human rights and health care

It would be lovely if you could visit my blog: www.jimmy-lam.com

My idea is to use the art of information, persuasion, and short stories to give light to human rights issues. I will start off in series, each series focuses on a different human rights topic. The first is sex trafficking. Let me know what you think by leaving comments if you would like. And please subscribe if you want to read more. I honestly don't know how big of a cohort of readers I have, as my interests are very specific, so your subscription will greatly help me gauge my audience. Please also share if you don't mind.

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I'm sorry to hear this! Despite this, just know that making the finalist round for a Fulbright means you are still in the top tier of candidates and that it speaks highly for your academic and extracurricular record! Don't forget that!

Is grad school plan B?

Thanks! At first I was really shocked, then I felt sorry for myself, then I got angry, then I got over it lol. I'm already proud of myself for having gotten so far, especially since they said they give preference to Masters students and I'm an undergrad... and I know it's not because I'm not good enough, and for the undergrads who did get it, they're probably more deserving, so I won't let it get me down. Just wasn't meant to be this year, I can always try again another year! :)

I was pretty set on teaching English abroad anyway and I wanted to go to the Middle East, so having the Fulbright would have been nice for the structure and so I wouldn't have to pay for transport and set myself up out of pocket. It would have been nice to find out I was rejected in January because at the time I was in Argentina, so I could have just stayed there.

I don't want to go to grad school JUST yet because I'm not sure exactly what program I want to do and I don't want to rush into anything just because I'm scared of not knowing what to do. But in the mean time, I'm going to take the GRE for when I decide to apply, look for a temporary job and I'm going to research more about TEFL. Just ordered a book on Amazon with a comprehensive guide to each country, so it'll be exciting trying to decide where I should go hehe. I don't need a Fulbright to make amazing things happen for myself so I'm not going to let it get me down!

Again congrats to all who won, and to all you Morocco people, I'm sad I won't be meeting you next year. And to those who are alternates or were rejected, life goes on. Rejection sucks but it's ironically relieving in a way, the fear of the unknown has been lessened. Carpe diem!

Edited by jazzz
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Thanks! At first I was really shocked, then I felt sorry for myself, then I got angry, then I got over it lol. I'm already proud of myself for having gotten so far, especially since they said they give preference to Masters students and I'm an undergrad... and I know it's not because I'm not good enough, and for the undergrads who did get it, they're probably more deserving, so I won't let it get me down. Just wasn't meant to be this year, I can always try again another year! :)

I was pretty set on teaching English abroad anyway and I wanted to go to the Middle East, so having the Fulbright would have been nice for the structure and so I wouldn't have to pay for transport and set myself up out of pocket. It would have been nice to find out I was rejected in January because at the time I was in Argentina, so I could have just stayed there.

I don't want to go to grad school JUST yet because I'm not sure exactly what program I want to do and I don't want to rush into anything just because I'm scared of not knowing what to do. But in the mean time, I'm going to take the GRE for when I decide to apply, look for a temporary job and I'm going to research more about TEFL. Just ordered a book on Amazon with a comprehensive guide to each country, so it'll be exciting trying to decide where I should go hehe. I don't need a Fulbright to make amazing things happen for myself so I'm not going to let it get me down!

Again congrats to all who won, and to all you Morocco people, I'm sad I won't be meeting you next year. And to those who are alternates or were rejected, life goes on. Rejection sucks but it's ironically relieving in a way, the fear of the unknown has been lessened. Carpe diem!

It looks to me that you're not the one missing out!

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Fulbright Fellows to Europe and surrounding countries surrounding Europe:

I have created a facebook group, entitled Traveling Fulbright Fellows: Europe 2011-2012, on the basis of current (2011-2012) European Fulbright Fellows to have a way of staying with or at least contacting other Fulbright Fellows while traveling abroad. There are plenty of sites where people allow people to crash on their couch and in-return they get to crash on other peoples while traveling. Given the uniqueness of the Fulbright, we'll have fellows in just about every country in the world and in most major cities. People in the group will put on a document (on the facebook page) where they will be staying and the best way to contact them. Then when a person would like to travel to their city, they can contact them to see if they are okay with them staying. There will need to be ground rules set-up to avoid any unpleasant situations. This will also be great in case you run into some emergency while traveling, you'll have someone to contact. Current Rules: 1) Only 2011-2012 Fulbright Fellows are allowed to join/use this group 2) I'd like to set-up admins to each country to invite/accept other fellows to their country. 3) You must put your place up for use if you want to join (if you are living in a place like a dorm that won't allow it then post that on the doc and offer to show people around in your city). 4) Send me advice in how to make this a great forum.

If you'd like to join, please just send a request to join and your username on the Spreadsheet so I can check to make sure we don't have non-fulbrighter joining (at least to the best of my ability). Update the doc on the facebook page with your info asap after joining because I intend to kick people out by the time the program starts who have not entered in their info. This is suppose to be mutually beneficial for everyone so you must be willing to open your doors or at least your time to traveling Fulbrighters to your city. Again there will be ground rules to make sure nobody is put into an uncomfortable position.

So for those who have been having trouble finding the group on facebook here it is: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_194093960633903&ap=1

I'll add those who have already request soon.

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I received my acceptance letter for Thailand today (ETA). :)

For the spreadsheet, I'm the 'Anon' under Thailand. Here's the rest of the info:

Current Address

Notified 4/19

Postmarked 4/13

Large Manila Envelope

Hey, congrats!!

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Thanks! I'm updating it as we speak, and congrats!

Here's another for you:

Full grant to Slovenia

Postmarked April 14th, Received April 19th

Large Manilla, of course!

I'm still in state of shock. This is going to be amazing! :D

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I hear you. I'm waiting on Kazakhstan. Not only do I have similar logistical issues, but receiving/not receiving the IIE may determine my near-term career choice and thus my life's course. Alacrity would be appreciated.

Any other Central Asia finalists hear anything? I e-mailed Cara Doble to see if she knows yet when we'll hear. This is getting so late that it's really inconvenient. I have a teaching schedule in my department and a lot of logistical issues to work out if I get this.

Anyone hear anything?

Also, what are those of you with spouses/live-in partners doing about financing this? I can't rent my half of the bed (nor would I!), he can't cover the whole rent, and we also can't (and don't want to) move. I was thinking of using loans to cover the rent while I'm gone, but I increasingly feel like that might be a bad decision.

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I received my acceptance letter for Thailand today (ETA). :)

For the spreadsheet, I'm the 'Anon' under Thailand. Here's the rest of the info:

Current Address

Notified 4/19

Postmarked 4/13

Large Manila Envelope

OMG!!!!!!!! congrats!!! maybe this means east asia is getting a move on!!!!

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Here's another for you:

Full grant to Slovenia

Postmarked April 14th, Received April 19th

Large Manilla, of course!

I'm still in state of shock. This is going to be amazing! :D

Hey, you and the GF should talk! Do you have an email? Are you gonna be in the capital?

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Here's another for you:

Full grant to Slovenia

Postmarked April 14th, Received April 19th

Large Manilla, of course!

I'm still in state of shock. This is going to be amazing! :D

Woot! Congrats!

2 questions: did you have an interview in your language? And did you receive it at your current or permanent address?

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Well at least it's nice to know others have similar concerns. If I hear back from her, I will share what she says. I have a feeling budget issues might be involved, since people had heard by this time last year. Also, she contacted me A week and a half ago asking me to resend a transcript which was lost. Although all she could say was that this was to "confirm eligibility," this would seem an unfair thing to ask someone to pay for if they were already rejected. So, logically, either they didn't look at apps until two weeks ago (unlikely I would think), or they had already made their selections and are not able to notify people of their status until they find out how many places the budget will allow. She did specifically mention, in response to my email back then, that decisions couldn't be made until they had budget approval as well as in-country and IIE decisions. Or bureaucracy is blind and I paid for a transcript in order to complete my rejection file. ;) I would put my money on budget issues (pun intended.)

I hear you. I'm waiting on Kazakhstan. Not only do I have similar logistical issues, but receiving/not receiving the IIE may determine my near-term career choice and thus my life's course. Alacrity would be appreciated.

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Which country did you apply to?

Well at least it's nice to know others have similar concerns. If I hear back from her, I will share what she says. I have a feeling budget issues might be involved, since people had heard by this time last year. Also, she contacted me A week and a half ago asking me to resend a transcript which was lost. Although all she could say was that this was to "confirm eligibility," this would seem an unfair thing to ask someone to pay for if they were already rejected. So, logically, either they didn't look at apps until two weeks ago (unlikely I would think), or they had already made their selections and are not able to notify people of their status until they find out how many places the budget will allow. She did specifically mention, in response to my email back then, that decisions couldn't be made until they had budget approval as well as in-country and IIE decisions. Or bureaucracy is blind and I paid for a transcript in order to complete my rejection file. ;) I would put my money on budget issues (pun intended.)

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Just found this board, but I got my acceptance for a South Africa ETA last Friday. I have been in contact with a current ETA in Pretoria, and she has been able to give me a lot of important information and advice (housing, placements, etc.). Message me and I'd be more than willing to share the info.

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One more for the spreadsheet (this is my first post, so I wasn't on it before):

Mexico, Western Hemisphere

Interview on 2/28 via Skype


Current (Large Manila Envelope)

Notified 4/19

Postmarked 4/14



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