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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Does anyone else have any insights on what makes someone selected versus an alternate? I know I probably shouldn't keep posting about this, but I really, really want to be off of the alternate list. If that doesn't happen, I'm wondering what I can do to improve my chances for the next application period. Is it more about the essays than anything else?

Is getting off the alternate list very hard? Do they really have money become available later on?

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Does anyone else have any insights on what makes someone selected versus an alternate? I know I probably shouldn't keep posting about this, but I really, really want to be off of the alternate list. If that doesn't happen, I'm wondering what I can do to improve my chances for the next application period. Is it more about the essays than anything else?

I think we are all as mystified by the selection process as you are!

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Does anyone else have any insights on what makes someone selected versus an alternate? I know I probably shouldn't keep posting about this, but I really, really want to be off of the alternate list. If that doesn't happen, I'm wondering what I can do to improve my chances for the next application period. Is it more about the essays than anything else?

Is getting off the alternate list very hard? Do they really have money become available later on?

I don't think anyone has answers to your questions. My guess is that if you were not rejected then you were probably just as good as the people selected for grants but because they can't fund everyone who applies not everyone can win. You made it through the first round of cuts and you were selected as an alternate. Clearly you did more things right than wrong.

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Agreed!! I wish I knew how they decided and what aspects they weighed more than others... but since we don't I think it is hard to say..

I know. I mean, are they wanting me to go back to school and get another degree to add to my application or obtain more tutoring experience or what?

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Hello fellow Norway applicants. I have not heard from Fulbright today either...so I guess we are all on the same boat right now...

Hopefully they sent out more notifications today.

I was thinking about why they split up the notifications. I think maybe they sent out the notifications for the ETA's + two arts awards last week and maybe they were holding out on sending the normal full grants until they had confirmations for them....just a theory.

Anyways, stay tough this weekend and hopefully we all hear some good news next week :)

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Hello fellow Norway applicants. I have not heard from Fulbright today either...so I guess we are all on the same boat right now...

Hopefully they sent out more notifications today.

I was thinking about why they split up the notifications. I think maybe they sent out the notifications for the ETA's + two arts awards last week and maybe they were holding out on sending the normal full grants until they had confirmations for them....just a theory.

Anyways, stay tough this weekend and hopefully we all hear some good news next week :)

Ahh, yes lets hope we will all hear by next week!! Thanks for updating us, I appreciate all the Norway applicants keeping each other updated, this process is stressful enough it is nice to have a little support! Have a nice weekend :)

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I'm a Guatemala ETA applicant here patiently waiting!! Are you Full or ETA?

Hi mj90

Thank you for letting us know what info you have on the notification date. Last year Central America/Carribean ppl were notified at the end of March/Beg of April. So Let's hope it gets here soon. Anyone else emailed Cara Wolinsky recently to see what's the update on the timeline? If not, anyone willing to? haha. Just kidding. I say if it doesn't get here within the next two weeks then we should email.

Also, anyone else a Guatemala Applicant? Full or ETA? smile.gif

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Oops I also completely forgot to mention- I emailed Cara this past Monday and she said that they would probably be mailed out in 2-3weeks.

Hi mj90

Thank you for letting us know what info you have on the notification date. Last year Central America/Carribean ppl were notified at the end of March/Beg of April. So Let's hope it gets here soon. Anyone else emailed Cara Wolinsky recently to see what's the update on the timeline? If not, anyone willing to? haha. Just kidding. I say if it doesn't get here within the next two weeks then we should email.

Also, anyone else a Guatemala Applicant? Full or ETA? smile.gif

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I was notified this week that I received the Argentina ETA award. I don't know if that helps anyone...I think it depends on the country. FYI-if you're a finalist, you might want to schedule a doctor's appointment. You have to get a physical, chest x-ray, blood work, and other tests done and the results sent back to NY in THREE WEEKS. Not a very long time....

Does anyone have any idea when we find out our exact placements?

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I was notified this week that I received the Argentina ETA award. I don't know if that helps anyone...I think it depends on the country. FYI-if you're a finalist, you might want to schedule a doctor's appointment. You have to get a physical, chest x-ray, blood work, and other tests done and the results sent back to NY in THREE WEEKS. Not a very long time....

Does anyone have any idea when we find out our exact placements?

Chest x-ray? This is the first time that I am hearing that we need this. Does anyone else need a chest x-ray? Or is it just South America??

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Oops I also completely forgot to mention- I emailed Cara this past Monday and she said that they would probably be mailed out in 2-3weeks.

Hi hlw2260!!!

It's so exciting to find someone else going (let's be optimistic) to Guatemala. I thought I was alone ... haha. I'm a Full applicant, and will have to patiently wait for another 3 weeks. That's so good that she gave you an estimate, that way I'm not going crazy over the mail. It's just hard to not have an exact date and see others being notified and wonder what's going on.

Also, I didn't see you on the spreadsheet. You should plug in your info, it's to help those currently applying and also be of some assistance to future applicants. Here's the link: https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AriON5PQlVdtdHlKMUhJYlo0bEVXREcxdlJVYUFibnc&hl=en&authkey=CNHpkd4P#gid=8

Do you have a side project? My proposal is to research how Pentecostal leadership models for women play a role in Guatemalan women's approach to social predicaments in the capital.

I wish you the best! Let's keep each other in the know if we hear anything.

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where are you guys getting these country contacts from? how do you know who to email for info on the mailing dates?

Check out the previous post, there is a spreadsheet to keep everyone updated on decisions this year and there is a 2010-2011 spreadsheet floating around too. As for the contacts, look under each individual country for a contact email: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/program_regions_world.html

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I'm a finalist for Indonesia's ETA program. I've seen that most, if not all people on this forum (for Indonesia) have gotten news in the mail regarding being accepted or not...I still haven't received anything! I'm wondering if there are any other Indonesia ETA finalists who have not received anything yet either? I'm assuming it's a bad sign that I haven't gotten anything yet and that a rejection letter is on its way. Anyone else have any thoughts?? I don't know why or if they would send out letters at separate times.

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Are you serious? Are we talking about all letter? Full and ETA?

She didn't specify whether it was full and/or ETA. I'm a finalist for the full and specified as much in my email so she may have just been responding to that, but it looks like Italy has notified both at the same time in previous years. As she did not respond to my thank you email, saying that I would be working with the assumption that her email was not an April Fools' joke and that I would look forward to checking my mail next week... I'm hoping she was serious as well.

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I'm a finalist for Indonesia's ETA program. I've seen that most, if not all people on this forum (for Indonesia) have gotten news in the mail regarding being accepted or not...I still haven't received anything! I'm wondering if there are any other Indonesia ETA finalists who have not received anything yet either? I'm assuming it's a bad sign that I haven't gotten anything yet and that a rejection letter is on its way. Anyone else have any thoughts?? I don't know why or if they would send out letters at separate times.

Hi roland,

I received an alternate letter on Monday. It looks like everyone else also received letters last week.

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I'm curious about something else. I know that Fulbright recommends 1.5 to 2 times the number of candidates after the first selection. Some of those are selected, some of those are alternates and some of those are rejected, correct? Do some countries name all the 1.5 to 2 times extra as alternates? For example, if a county has 15 grants and 30 people are recommended, 15 are selected. Are the other 15 all alternates?

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Chest x-ray? This is the first time that I am hearing that we need this. Does anyone else need a chest x-ray? Or is it just South America??

You don't need a chest x-ray. You have the option of getting a chest x-ray or a PPD skin test. Both are to check for TB. So obviously the nurses/doctors will do PPD, since it's quicker and cheaper.

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I'm curious about something else. I know that Fulbright recommends 1.5 to 2 times the number of candidates after the first selection. Some of those are selected, some of those are alternates and some of those are rejected, correct? Do some countries name all the 1.5 to 2 times extra as alternates? For example, if a county has 15 grants and 30 people are recommended, 15 are selected. Are the other 15 all alternates?

I think you answered the question. There are 1.5 to 2 times the number of finalists, however, not all of them will get the Fulbright. Those other 15 will not all be alternates. As we've seen, people who have made the first round, have also been rejected for the final decision. So it's hard to what the exact number is, but it will definitely depend on each program/country and the amount of money they have. For example, I know last year Turkey had last minute funding and I think, almost funded all their alternates? Something like that. So it's definitely not a set number ... I don't think. But also, not all of those folks who didn't get the grant are alternates.

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