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Fulbright 2011-2012


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Okay, so now all I have to do is find something else to distract me for the next week. I'd say it should be my honors thesis, which is due next Friday, except it's on the SAME TOPIC as my fulbright research would be. There's just no avoiding thinking about this!

Teej T - Haha, I would've done the same. Does anyone want to email him on Thursday/Friday to find out what day they were sent out? I hope they send them out on Thursday, I leave for spring break on Saturday afternoon!

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I got the grant! Full MBA to Spain! So excitedright now!!


Did you actually get your letter in Oregon? I am in the midwest and still have not received my letter. I think its odd that it would have made it all of the way to the West Coast before the mid west. Maybe it will come later today!

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I tried giving Jonathan a call again this morning. I pressed the secretary a little bit and told her that he hadn't been responding to any communication and she said he was traveling last week. She said my best bet was still just to leave a message or try calling him throughout the day because he might actually be answering his phone for a brief period.

I'm getting extremely anxious because I have a job offer and they would seriously appreciate even a vague deadline on when I can tell them about the fulbright...

Did anybody ever get in contact with Jonathan?

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I tried giving Jonathan a call again this morning. I pressed the secretary a little bit and told her that he hadn't been responding to any communication and she said he was traveling last week. She said my best bet was still just to leave a message or try calling him throughout the day because he might actually be answering his phone for a brief period.

I'm getting extremely anxious because I have a job offer and they would seriously appreciate even a vague deadline on when I can tell them about the fulbright...

If anyone hears anything from Jonathan, please let us know, we're all anxious! Thanks for at least trying today kmcartcart!

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Did you actually get your letter in Oregon? I am in the midwest and still have not received my letter. I think its odd that it would have made it all of the way to the West Coast before the mid west. Maybe it will come later today!

Yeah I got it in Oregon at my current address.

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Thanks. Could have just been Balkan notifications though. Hopefully the Baltics got in there too... Waiting game, I guess.

Weird, my friend had told me he hard about his Latvia Fulbright last year in March. I don't think I'll email because they told us from the beginning it could be May when we find out if we got it or not.

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Spread sheet is messed up ... again. Seems like stuff in some columns shifted down by 2 rows.

Yes, the spread sheet is messed up... but more complicated than shifting down two rows, I can't actually detect the pattern of how it was messed up, but it currently has me as an applicant for India at least five rows down from my rightful Icelandic spot. None of the other Iceland applicants have actually heard, right?

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Vietnam fulbrighters, this is what jonathan told me when I asked him about the decisions....i dont think he knows much:

It's not possible to predict exactly when the final results will become available, but in the past notification letters for Vietnam have usually gone out in mid to late April.



Jonathan E. Akeley

Senior Program Officer - East Asia-Pacific

U.S. Student Programs Division

Institute of International Education

809 United Nations Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Phone (212) 984-5487

Fax (212) 984-5325


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Vietnam fulbrighters, this is what jonathan told me when I asked him about the decisions....i dont think he knows much:

It's not possible to predict exactly when the final results will become available, but in the past notification letters for Vietnam have usually gone out in mid to late April.



Jonathan E. Akeley

Senior Program Officer - East Asia-Pacific

U.S. Student Programs Division

Institute of International Education

809 United Nations Plaza

New York, NY 10017

Phone (212) 984-5487

Fax (212) 984-5325


Thanks for the update!!!!!!!!! More waiting!!!!!!!!!! I need to give myself a breather from this site. Good luck everyone!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Thanks for the update!!!!!!!!! More waiting!!!!!!!!!! I need to give myself a breather from this site. Good luck everyone!!!! biggrin.gifbiggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

srsly. lets keep in touch if we both get it!!!! i have no plan B so *cross fingers*

vietnam fulbrighters '10-'11 are so lucky.....they got theirs so early!!!

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srsly. lets keep in touch if we both get it!!!! i have no plan B so *cross fingers*

vietnam fulbrighters '10-'11 are so lucky.....they got theirs so early!!!

That is possibly the vaguest response from an IIE rep that I've heard...

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Very true. Some one changed the name of the countries like Bangladesh is not in Europe and also just sent out its notifications so someone has been trying to play tricks and be mean about it.

The spreadsheet is really messed up. All the Norway ones are messed up, so I'm guessing there are a bunch of other ones as well.....

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Very true. Some one changed the name of the countries like Bangladesh is not in Europe and also just sent out its notifications so someone has been trying to play tricks and be mean about it.

It makes me sad. It's really hard to go back to previous spreadsheets. Plus I can only go back like within a day. I'm thinking of something drastic. I'll keep you updated.

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Just found out that I got the full grant to Spain! Skipped my last class to check the mail and it turned out to be a great move. I'm in Texas for those still waiting for letters to Spain. Looking forward to meeting people in Madrid in a few months!

Best of luck to everyone else!!

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If only! I think it's just the messed-up spreadsheet.

Yes, the spread sheet is messed up... but more complicated than shifting down two rows, I can't actually detect the pattern of how it was messed up, but it currently has me as an applicant for India at least five rows down from my rightful Icelandic spot. None of the other Iceland applicants have actually heard, right?

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Teej T - Haha, I would've done the same. Does anyone want to email him on Thursday/Friday to find out what day they were sent out? I hope they send them out on Thursday, I leave for spring break on Saturday afternoon!

I can call/email him on Thursday afternoon.

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Crimson I'm with you. I'm starting to think it not an accident that the spreadsheet keeps getting messed up. Last year's group didn't have such drastic issues with their list. How can someone "accidently" erase the whole name column and re-arrange notification statuses? They've got nothing better to do I guess

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Is there a way we can make it to where all of the changes have to be approved by the admin(s)?

Or would that be too much trouble? I would be willing to offer up some time to look over changes and make sure they aren't bogus.

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I'm right there with you. I emailed Jon Akeley about Taiwan ETAs but haven't gotten a response either. I'm sure he's really bogged down with emails right now but it would be nice to have some idea of when notifications are going out so that I can stop having palpitations for no reason everytime I check my mail. I'll let you know if he responds.

Hey guys, I applied for the ETA position in Taiwan. I am thinking the same thing right now. I have contacted Jonathan Akeley by phone and by email and he has not returned either one of them. I am extraordinarily anxious.

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