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Chance Me: Fall 2022 Data Science/Data Analytics Master

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Hi all, as deadlines are approaching, I am doing this last minute chance me/asking for advice post to see if there's anything I missed. Any feedback is welcomed!

Type of Student: International student

Undergrad Institution and Courses: UCLA stats major, mathematics minor, cumulative GPA 3.85, major GPA 3.72. My grades suffered in freshman year because I was home-sick and I was also juggling a part-time lab assistant job. That said I got a C+, 2 Bs in a lower division math classes. But ever since my second year I have gotten straight As in all my classes. 

Relevant courses: machine learning, optimization, network theory, numerical methods, real analysis, linear algebra, statistical methods, Intro to Programming.

Test Scores:  Q169/V164/AWA 4.5, TOEFL 30/30/30/27


  • one from an assistant professor at anther prestigious institution who taught me while she was a post-doc at my university
  • one from a very well respected continuing lecturer from my home institution
  • one great one from my last internship mentor.

Work/Research Experience: 

freshman year:

  • Part time at a physical science lab as a lab assistant, did mostly very busy lab work (literally cleaning dishes and data entry) but got exposed to linear regression
  • short internship at an e-commerce company in my home country, worked on business analytics and practiced SQL and A/B testing

sophomore year:

  • Worked with a UCLA PhD to quantify social interactions (her paper is now published, but since I only did data cleaning and data analysis work so no title for me) 
  • local start-up as a research assistant (doing meta-analysis on Covid related papers) and also did some business analytics work where I analyzed user responses and evaluated the performance of new features 

junior year:

  • Head project manager at a UCLA data science club
  • Interned at a top US health firm, worked on their fraud detection algorithm (ML stuff like SVM), built data pipelines, data cleaning

Current Programs List:

  • Columbia MSDS
  • Cornell MPS DS track
  • Harvard Health DS
  • Harvard DS
  • Stanford MS Stats, DS track
  • JHU DS
  • UC Berkeley Master of Analytics
  • Duke MIDS

I am not sure if I am overreaching here. I have talked to few people before and they seem to think this list is more or less reasonable, but I am not that sure myself. I know prestige schools are Harvard and Stanford are definitely hard to get into, but I was hoping I could at least land one school from the list. Thank you for your time in advance! I look forward to hearing any kind of response. 

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