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Unique CV Question, Need Help!

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Thanks for reading, I am putting together my CV for grad school and am an unconventional student. My background: basically, the first half of my transcript (60 hours) is terrible, and includes me attending and being dismissed (developmentally for not passing algebra) several times from my university from 1999-2007. I was also reinstated several times and went to a community college before attending the main university, so I have a bunch of random years that I need to list on my CV. After finding Philosophy I went back to school in 2020 and made 20 straight A's in four straight semesters, so the last half of my transcript (60 hours) is very good and I just graduated.

My overall GPA is now 3.26 overall and Philosophy GPA is 4.0. The problem is I don't know how to list all of those years attended in a succinct fashion. Should I just put a year range? Like 1999-2021? That seems weird, but it looks weird to list all of the semesters individually too - which is what I did below. Also, should I mention all that weirdness in my Statement of Purpose or just say "I had failures in the past, but have grown from the experience". Can I leave off years attended? Any opinions on how to list this in a way that doesn't raise flags is welcome! Right now I have this on my CV (education section):




My Main University - B.A., Philosophy

Fall 1999, Spring 2000, Spring 2001 – Fall 2001, Fall 2005, Spring 2007, Summer 2020 – Fall 2021 | 4.0 Philosophy GPA (4.0 GPA last 60 hours) 

B.A. Senior Thesis: Does Evil Preclude the Omni-Attributes of God?


Blah Blah Community College 

Spring 1999, Fall 2000 | 3.38 GPA

Edited by PoetofEthics
Had dates wrong, wanted to add context
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I didn't really get your question? All I can say that mention date for each degree (not semesters) and there are other sections like professional experience in which you can mention those gap years, and yes, you can get into detail in the SOP you have to explain the gaps why you are back and your motivation...

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I would suggest that you state in your CV the overall GPA (this is the norm) and the philosophy major GPA (since it's really good) without dividing the GPAs with respect to different time periods. This is because your transcript(s) as well as your personal statement should make your circumstances clear. You probably don't want unnecessary confusions in your CV.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey! Not sure if this is still relevant, but hope this helps: 
Don't list all semesters individually, unless you are required to. The lenght and content of a CV vary depending on the purpose - An academic CV may call for detailed coursework whereas an employment gig will only be looking at overall grades (unless you are applying for a technical position where they may need to review the courses you have taken), for which a resume is more suitable. Also, academic CVs for a PhD will require you to focus more on field/area of specialisation related coursework whereas CV for  Mastrer's program will want to see courses undertaken related to your Major.

Instead of listing down all the courses semesterwise, just list the years attended, and maybe key courses relevant to your area od specialisation in your Master's. Alternatively, you can just list the year graduated:

Uni Name, B.A. Philosophy
2007, GPA: XX.X
Courses:  Master'sMajorRelatedCourse1, Master'sMajorsRelatedCourse2, (e.g. Mathematical Logic, Philosophical Problem, Theory of KNowledge)

Community  College
2000, GPA: 

Listing just the graduation year will mean they won't straightaway reject your application just by looking at the CV. In your SoP, address the gaps and highlight it - Academic strengths are not the only thing that unis are looking for in a prospective candidates. Not everyone is born with a silver spoon, and it is alright to have had a bit of a rollercoaster of a life in your pre-uni years. What is important is demonstrating how you have learnt from such experiences/overcame hurdles and enaged positively with educational opportunities post that. Your SoP should show them that you have evolved to become a mature and responsible individual and have a strong inclination to pursue a specific program (in your case, philosophy)
You mention getting straight As in the latter half of your academic pursuits -- you can use this to strengthen your SoP. Cite relevant/specific examples of how you overcame the challenges or what you did differently to turn your grades over a new leaf. Merely stating "I had failures in the past, but have grown from the experience" is not convincing enough as it neither ackolwedges your weaknesses/misfortunes nor indicate your potential ability to thrive in uni. Explain "how you grew from the experience" and link it to your motivation to attend gradschool/pursue a program in philosophy.

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