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Just Took GRE!!!!!!


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Good afternoon everyone!

I just came back from taking the GRE (for the THIRD TIME, eek). I'm applying for Fall 2012 for the School Psychology Program.

My scores are as follows:

QUANT: 570

VERBAL : 440

TOTAL: 1010

This is actually quite an improvement from my two previous scores which were 840/860 roughly.

Please let me know what you all think of my new score, I am little worried considering after all the practice I've done I thought I'd do better!!

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QUANT: 570

VERBAL : 440

TOTAL: 1010

Please let me know what you all think of my new score, I am little worried considering after all the practice I've done I thought I'd do better!!

Well, from my point of view it does not look good... Quant may be ok for some schools, but verbal is definetely too low. Are you an international student?

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Congratulations on improving your score! Could you clarify if you are applying to Ed.S. or Ph.D. programs in School Psych? Your scores would probably be alright in an EdS application, but they are probably too low for a PhD.

Edited by schoolpsych_hopeful
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No, I'm not an international student. I don't know what happened in the verbal. I'm not sure if I should consider retaking it because I'm definitely not content with the verbal considering I was getting 500-600 on my practice tests.

I am applying for the Ed.S degree, not the Ph.D.

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I want to add as well that I have 3 semesters worth of research experience which resulted in being a co-author on a paper that we presented at a national conference, I'm currently doing volunteer work at a local elementary school and I'm applying to 11 graduate schools which are:

Northern IL

Western IL

Eastern IL

Southern IL-Edwardsville



Univ. of Northern Iowa

Michigan State

Univ of Indiana Bloomington

Indiana State

Barry State (Florida)

Let me know what you think.......

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I looked up some of the schools you're applying to in the APA's Gradstudy book. It looks like average GRE scores hover around 500V/560Q for those schools. So it looks like your quantitative is in good shape, but the verbal is a bit low.

If I were you, I would consider retaking it. Maybe contact the schools you're applying to and see if they have specific cut-offs for GRE scores. Some schools will eliminate applicants with any section under 500 without barely looking at their application.

Remember, the GRE is just one part of your application, and if the other parts are solid they can make up for a weak GRE. It's great that you have research and work experience, I'm sure that will help your application. How is your GPA? And your letters of rec?

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