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how long is too long?

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I am currently in the processing of editing and re-editing my SOP of engineering grad school applications, specifically Ph.D. programs. I know that it's generally better to have a short and concise statement of purpose but my problem is that I've had 5 difference research internships and they have all lead to the next so I feel like they are all worth mentioning. I'm currently at 1050 words including my introduction, talking about my 5 experiences, a 'why a PhD' paragraph and a 'why X school'. None of my applications have stated any word limit for the SOP so I just wanted to check. Thanks for the help

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I am currently in the processing of editing and re-editing my SOP of engineering grad school applications, specifically Ph.D. programs. I know that it's generally better to have a short and concise statement of purpose but my problem is that I've had 5 difference research internships and they have all lead to the next so I feel like they are all worth mentioning. I'm currently at 1050 words including my introduction, talking about my 5 experiences, a 'why a PhD' paragraph and a 'why X school'. None of my applications have stated any word limit for the SOP so I just wanted to check. Thanks for the help

One page or less is optimal; two pages is usually the upper limit. I would think as long as it is less than 1500 words it will do, but certainly if you can narrow it down even further, you should so do.

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For the programs I applied to, 1.5 to 2 single-spaced pages was the sweet spot. Mine was ~1050 words, which fit perfectly on 2 pages. Being concise is good, but if you have a lot of valuable stuff to talk about, you should inlude it. However, keep in mind that you'll want to spend a good chunk of space talking about what you want to pursue during your PhD (if you haven't fit that in already). You want your SOP to be forward-thinking, as opposed to merely a catalog of your past experiences. If you have to lump together some of your internships ("This led to 2 more internships at blah and blah, where I furthered my skills in blah and blah") to make space for your plans/ideas/questions for grad school, do it.

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One page or less is optimal; two pages is usually the upper limit. I would think as long as it is less than 1500 words it will do, but certainly if you can narrow it down even further, you should so do.

Ditto this. Last year, I was amazed by how much I was able to take out/tighten up without compromising content. It just takes time and a bit of merciless editing. (Having some objective advisers who aren't afraid to be blunt with you helps a bunch, too.)

Good luck!

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