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I need some help/advice


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Hello all,

So I took the GRE in October and received a 580 V 520 Q 4.5 W

I retook it this November and received a 540 V and 630 Q. ??W

Unfortunately, I registered under a slightly different name the second time I registered (Jimmy and James, I go by both and I forgot what I put the first time). Because of this they won't let my combine score reports so I'd have to send out two score reports to have schools see my highest scores of 580 and 630.

Is it worth fighting with ETS and trying to combine my score sheets? They said in an email it can't be done but I haven't called yet (can't get ahold of them due to thanksgiving).

I'm applying for cognitive neuroscience programs and I know they value the Q more than the V but a lot of places look at the highest scores.

Is it worth losing 40 points on verbal so schools never see my 520?

Also, I already sent out one app that I just sent out my Nov scores (one of the 4 freebies) but on that app I put my two highest scores because I didn't know about this problem yet. Should I just email and tell them what happened or should I pay for the extra score sheet?

Thank you for any input!!

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Is it worth fighting with ETS and trying to combine my score sheets?

Is it worth losing 40 points on verbal so schools never see my 520?

Should I just email and tell them what happened or should I pay for the extra score sheet?

now that you've turned in apps at few places and the deadlines for other schools are (presumably) not too distant, it's not worth fighting. even if you put up a fight, ETS might/will take weeks, if not months, to sort this out.

for science folks like us, quantitative is what matters the most. not always, but mostly. if i were you, i'd send the latest scores as it clearly has the higher Q. and the V ain't bad either.. you got >500, which is an awesome score.

while emailing sounds good, the school will also want a proof of what you're saying. and you'd want them to see the scores with higher Q score anyway. so, it's better to send the latest scores. make sure to explain about your name situation as well, otherwise it might create issues if your transcript/application/LoRs don't mention about your second name.

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I would second that.

To the schools to which you already reported the combined scores, you probably need to send both reports.

To other schools, just send the latest report. The high Quant score is what you need. Besides, it is not always that schools combine scores. On some university websites I've seen that the schools only take the latest scores into account anyway.

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Thank you very much for your replies!

I was leaning towards just sending out the second scores but I wasn't sure. I just hope losing 40 verbal points won't hurt me much.

I thought I was finally done with the GRE/ETS but they keep coming back to bother me! :P

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Honestly, I think this is a blessing in disguise. I do not think you want them to see your 520Q, which has a very low percentile rank (that I'm in, by the way, but I'm in the arts so it's quite different). It's better if it seems you received 630Q right from the start.

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I agree, especially for a science candidate.

This is so relieving to hear. Unfortunately, a few top schools will see my 520 because I sent it to them when I first took the test. Oh well.

All it takes is one acceptance and all the stress during application season will be more than justified :)

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You may have already figured things out, but I thought I'd share this experience anyway. My partner just took the GRE and realized his name had been entered wrong. He tried contacting the test center, but they said that nothing could be done. When he called ETS the customer service rep was actually quite helpful, and within 30 minutes had changed the name for the score report. It may not always go this smoothly, but it may be worth trying if you want them to receive both score reports.

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