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GRE conundrum

Lousy Test taker

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Ok,I took the GRE and scored 580V(80%tile) 630Q(56 %tile) with a AWA score of 3.0.

I know the AWA is low,Im a Bio major, does it really hurt my chances when applying to some decent schools?

I have 3 years of lab research and a research publication apart from poster presentations etc.

Im gonna have some stellar recommendations and working on a good statement.

Can I go ahead and apply for some stretch schools like Sloan-Kettering and NWU?Your thoughts folks? :)

Edited by Lousy Test taker
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I'm in the humanities. I had a good verbal and good writing scores, but looooousy math. I mean too embarrassing to post. AND i studied math like crazy for 3months. (Granted, it's been 15 years since my last math class). Anyway, I've been in contact with some the top schools of choice. And I've told them point blank where I stood with scores, and if they thought I should retake the GRE. Their opinion was that it didn't matter too much so long as I have strong portfolio in other respects (and I do). Considering that it was the math that was bad and I'm in the humanities made a difference.

Looking at your scores, I think they are pretty decent.

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I certainly wouldn't let this keep you from applying to any school you want to - you should do that anyway.

However - and I know this is an informal internet forum, not a research paper - make sure your writing sample, C.V., and statement of purpose are free from the grammar and mechanics errors that I see in your post. In other words, demonstrate a contradictory writing ability through the WS and SOP and they won't be as tied to the scores. Good luck!

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I'm in the humanities. I had a good verbal and good writing scores, but looooousy math. I mean too embarrassing to post. AND i studied math like crazy for 3months. (Granted, it's been 15 years since my last math class). Anyway, I've been in contact with some the top schools of choice. And I've told them point blank where I stood with scores, and if they thought I should retake the GRE. Their opinion was that it didn't matter too much so long as I have strong portfolio in other respects (and I do). Considering that it was the math that was bad and I'm in the humanities made a difference.

Looking at your scores, I think they are pretty decent.

I would definitely hope that schools would consider a strong portfolio, papers, and work experience more important than a ridiculous standardized test. I have a dismal math score too (I also won't say what it is,) and I have a degree and years of work experience in engineering! I've never had to answer a series of 7th grade math problems in multiple choice format with a clock ticking once in my professional life, so I don't know what this test indicates, other than how good you are at taking standardized tests.

Anyway, it's over, and that's all I really care about. Nothing to do but wait.

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