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Political Science - Fall 2011 Cycle


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Yep--just got the notice via email from the ubiquitous "GS Autoresponder."

Thank you for applying to our Graduate School for the 2011-12 academic year. While I assure you that the materials you submitted were carefully reviewed by the faculty in the Department of Politics, I regret to inform you that the department did not recommend your admission for the coming year.


The number of places available at Princeton for entering graduate students is extremely limited and we cannot offer admission to all who are well-qualified. Indeed, many departments consistently have applicants who would be admitted without hesitation if the resources were available. Our decisions take into account not only the applicants’ merits, but also the suitability of the department’s programs to the candidates’ expressed interests. Our goal is to achieve a sound match between the strengths of our programs and the interests of the relatively small number of outstanding students that can be accommodated.


I wish you success in your plans for graduate study and thank you for considering Princeton University.




William B. Russel

Dean of the Graduate School

I must say, though I was sad to be rejected at Princeton, I admire the fact that they had the decency to email out the rejections promptly.

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Georgetown's adcom's meeting this weekend, decisions will be out by Monday latest. Good luck!

Wow will be on pins and needles this weekend. Does that mean we could get a response from them during the weekend or will they wait until a workday to actually send this off?

Speaking of DC schools, anyone heard anything about when GWU will be making their decisions?

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Wow will be on pins and needles this weekend. Does that mean we could get a response from them during the weekend or will they wait until a workday to actually send this off?

Speaking of DC schools, anyone heard anything about when GWU will be making their decisions?

No idea about that, all I heard was that they were meeting to finalize decisions on Saturday..

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No idea about that, all I heard was that they were meeting to finalize decisions on Saturday..

Ah well, should be a fun weekend. Thanks for the info. I may walk by gtown on Saturday afternoon just to put out good vibes :)

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Congrats to all those with an acceptance by now!!

Does anyone know whether Columbia and MIT have completed their admissions process? Have not heard of anyone getting rejected from these schools yet - but don't know if that means to expect rejection, another round of admissions, a trickle of acceptances, and/or some waitlists... The uncertainty is driving me nuts, though I have to say I'm not feeling optimistic at this stage.

Any insights very much appreciated!!

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Anyone want to claim the "JHU - waitlist via postal mail"?

And, really, actual mail? I never receive actual mail, at all; I've had to unsubscribe from every periodical because I live in a black hole of mail delivery.

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Georgetown's adcom's meeting this weekend, decisions will be out by Monday latest. Good luck!

Monday at the latest? Just acceptances or mass email for everyone?

Monday...due to be a very good or a very horrible day. :P

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Hmm, I wonder if this JHU waitlist by mail is one of the people who posted earlier. They told me I would be getting a letter in the mail about being on the waitlist. Haven't received it yet, though. I wonder how many people are on the list. All they would say is that the list is "small". Anyone admitted to Hopkins who is maybe not entirely sure if they are going? Just trying to get an idea of my chances.

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Hmm, I wonder if this JHU waitlist by mail is one of the people who posted earlier. They told me I would be getting a letter in the mail about being on the waitlist. Haven't received it yet, though. I wonder how many people are on the list. All they would say is that the list is "small". Anyone admitted to Hopkins who is maybe not entirely sure if they are going? Just trying to get an idea of my chances.

They rarely pull from the waitlist.

Well, there's that dream shot dead. This non-rejection-rejection definitely hurt a bit - this was the program I've been thinking about & aiming towards for two years.

Three years ago, I would have had a very solid shot at admittance; now, though, there are just too many applicants.

Time for a medicinal glass of Scotch.

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