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Applications done yet?

Happy to be here

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So as of today, December 13, I've got 5 out of 8 applications finished. How is everyone else? Also defended my thesis prospectus this past week, so life has been crazy. :blink: Just three more to go and then the e-hand-holding can begin among us all.

You have to defend your prospectus? In my dept/school, thesis and prospectus are two different entities.. and only thesis is defended at the end of the MS program. I discussed my prospectus with the committee Dec 1st week and turned it in last week.

All my apps were done by the end of November. Nothing but a long long long wait to endure! :(

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So as of today, December 13, I've got 5 out of 8 applications finished. How is everyone else? Also defended my thesis prospectus this past week, so life has been crazy. :blink: Just three more to go and then the e-hand-holding can begin among us all.

I finished the last of my 8 applications the day after Thanksgiving - so like the poster above me - my waiting has begun as well. Still tracking LORs, transcripts, and such - so technically only 5 out of my 8 are complete, but everything is in on my part. The waiting is already killing me though! Good luck to you, and everyone else who is finishing apps and such!

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Yeah, I don't really get it. I was grilled for almost an hour and a half and for the thesis prospectus I only had my intro, lit. review, hypotheses and methods. It's kind of nice in the way that I only have discussion, results, conclusion to add on for the thesis defense itself, but it sucked royally.

For some reason I did all my transcripts and scores back in August/September, and I'm now doing the other application materials, document uploads, etc.

Edited by Happy to be here
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But anyways, I'm done now. I applied to 8 total, and all the materials are in minus two or three letters. I'm going into the Christmas break with the mindset of "just-forget-about-the-whole-thing." In my mind I'm thinking, okay, I won't start the worrying/constant-status-checking until late January.

Hope that everyone gets into at least one good school, after all, one is all it takes.

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But anyways, I'm done now. I applied to 8 total, and all the materials are in minus two or three letters. I'm going into the Christmas break with the mindset of "just-forget-about-the-whole-thing." In my mind I'm thinking, okay, I won't start the worrying/constant-status-checking until late January.

Hope that everyone gets into at least one good school, after all, one is all it takes.

Where all did you end up applying?

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  • 2 weeks later...

All six applications done! I did them in October since I had to turn in an honors thesis in early December. It worked out pretty well because by that point I was hyperventilating about my thesis enough to take my mind off grad school. Until a week ago, that is--I graduated and now I have the time to agonize properly. :blink: I won't even have work to distract me for another couple of weeks yet. Ah, well. I've been reading a lot of novels. For those of you still working on applications, good luck! For everyone like me who is having a slow nervous breakdown, hang in there.

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