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Cognitive Psych 2011


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Going to a lesser-ranked school is not a big deal, provided the advisors you would work with are well-known. School prestige is not super important, but PI prestige/connections/impact is definitely something you should look for. If your option is "well-known PI at better-ranked school" vs. "unknown PI at unranked school" ... that's not really a tough decision (if all the other factors are relatively equal).

Thanks for y'all advice. My potential advisors (at both UIC and Kent) are very well-known and well-respected leaders in metacognition, memory, and text processing research so I've been told my multiple outsiders, "I would be in good hands." I feel comfortable with all my choices, since most of their grad students go onto fabulous post-docs and teaching positions.

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i applied there as well.... havent heard anything since i submitted my app. was not a great fit for me so im pretty sure i am rejected.

I applied to FSU as well and I have yet to hear back from them (as well as 9 other programs). Are you getting a "rejection" vibe or do you know that they already sent out their invites/acceptances?

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I applied to FSU as well and I have yet to hear back from them (as well as 9 other programs). Are you getting a "rejection" vibe or do you know that they already sent out their invites/acceptances?

About two weeks ago, my Florida State POI told me that the application review process was ongoing over the next couple weeks. This means that they should be arriving at their interview invitation decisions around now. Some departments are probably less punctual than others when arriving at this decision, so I wouldn't consider yourself rejected until next Friday.

Edited by lowShoulder
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Seems like there's a lot of variation in the time period between an interview and a decision. I've heard back from two so far and one informed me over a month after interviewing (Drexel) and the other informed me after about two weeks (Rutgers). Still waiting on another (UDelaware), and that interview had happened in between the other two. I had been taking it as a sign that I won't get in, but now I'm not so sure. Any thoughts? Has anyone else gotten good news after waiting a very long time to hear it?

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